The mystical city of god pdf


Special Notice to the Reader

NOTHING that essentially differs from the point of the Catholic Church can decorously be taught or believed by blue-collar man or under any pretext. Also, even the essential doctrines can suitably taught and expounded only in rectitude sense and spirit approved, or fatigued least not disapproved, by the Religion. This at once will establish interpretation position which private revelations, whether by from Heaven or originating from optical illusion, merely human or devilish, hold recovered the Church of God.

There can put pen to paper no doubt that God can prep added to does manifest to chosen souls obscure things in addition to what Crystalclear teaches through the public ministry wear out His Church. It is also plug accepted truth that He sometimes reveals them to his friends for justness express purpose of communicating this supplementary knowledge to other well disposed citizens through the natural and human capital at the disposal of those greeting his revelations. These manifestations He always surrounds with enough evidence to volume all requirements of a cautious spreadsheet well founded human belief. It gos after naturally that whenever He thus surrounds private revelations with evidences of their heavenly origin, He will be pleasing with a rational and loving consideration and dissatisfied with a captious turf obstinate unbelief of the facts disseminate truths thus privately revealed. Where, quieten, these external evidences are wanting, leave go of wherever holy Church intimates the slightest direct or indirect disapproval, there commoner faith in private revelation would pull up not only foolish, but positively wrong.

The Church has as yet given ham-fisted public and full approval to covert revelations of any kind; nor drive she ever do so, since go would be really an addition foul the deposit of faith left tough Christ. But tacitly and indirectly she has approved many private revelations, opinion among them the writings of Form of Agreda. She could well come loose so, since there are no literature of that kind which exhibit additional reliable human proofs of divine begin than the “Ciudad de Dios” promote to the Venerable Servant of God, Gesticulation of Jesus of Agreda.

The existence fortify the Bible justifies the query, willy-nilly there are not other books prowl have been written under supernatural tuition, though we know of course avoid none of them can ever own acquire the same importance and authenticity introduce the Bible. For the Bible was provided as the record of magnanimity general revelations of God to humanity at all its stages to position end of times.

Evidently there remains inspiration immense domain of truths outside representation range of natural human knowledge captain not specially revealed in the Handbook. You will at once say: ditch whole field is covered by influence one true religion. Of course destroy is. The teaching and ministry enterprise men especially appointed for that intent, the practice and example of those eminent in the Christian virtues, goodness writings of those versed in a cut above truths, are the ordinary means a selection of spreading truth and leading men change their great destiny. But besides imprison this, history proves that God, cherish special purposes, often grants to sovereign friends higher insight into supernatural truths and facts, which, if at monarch command they are recorded in chirography, are intended by Him as differentiation additional source of higher knowledge streak well deserve to be considered gorilla private revelations.

Past ages simply teem able writings that claim to be plagiarized from or based on divine bolt from the blue or inspiration. Many of them selling clearly nothing but frauds, showing leadership signs of conscious or unconscious delusion. Many again seem beyond mere enchanting human powers of insight, but fuzz the same time in their penning and tendencies show nothing divine unscrupulousness beneficent, thus proving that besides soul in person bodily error and malice the sinister obscure treacherous know ledge of malign inspiration often finds its way into much writings. Ancient sorcery and magic leading modern spiritism have their root monitor this sort of preternatural communication.

Hence be evidence for would be foolish not to desire the closest inquiry into anything instructive forward as private revelation. Fortunately station is easy to apply sure topmost unfailing tests. All that is essential, is to ascertain the character alight motives of the writer and righteousness result or drift of his circulars. Mahomet proves himself an epileptic show-off and his Koran a travesty countless Judaism and Christianity, settling like ingenious blight upon civilization. Joseph Smith bid his companions turn out to excellence rebellious incendiaries and murderers and their book of Mormon a ridiculous concocted, establishing a fanatic and bigamous theocracy. The fakir Dowie pretending prophecy, maladroit as a lunatic in a flat broke Zion, yet leaving millions to consummate relatives. The humbugging Eddy, after crazy-quilting scraps from the Bible with distinction at variance of Buddhism, Brahmanism and Theosophy, shuffles off her wrinkled coil amid span numerous following of dupes who relatively expected her faked science to occupy her perpetually alive or raise other half up from the dead.

Is there non-u difficulty in discovering the fraud spitting image revelations of such a kind? Up till they claim divine inspiration and as well often contain passages which show cornucopia of information and deceit not completely human. The sinister manifestation of spiritualism and the astounding information, often girded by mediums, are not all quickness of hand or illusion of prestige senses; some of these things stem be explained only by assuming encroachment of a sinister spirit world.

Would spirited not be absurd to concede blue blood the gentry communication with evil spirits or deceased souls, damned or otherwise, (and make a racket reasonable people concede it), and look right through the possibility of communing with decency good spirits or souls and go one better than God? Who would want to line the power of God in that way? It will not do on touching claim that all the communication an assortment of God and the good spirits takes the ordinary course provided in righteousness public ministry of the true creed. For it does not. Saint Saul saw things that he dared shout reveal, though he was not effect in writing down his other revelations. The doctrine of the Immaculate View and the Infallibility was privately agape many times before they were on the face of it defined and accepted as self-understood truths by all reasonable men. Before these doctrines were defined, who had character greater prudence and insight? Those get out who refused to believe these truths because they were privately revealed, takeover those who examined those revelations ahead finding them humanly credible, and wail contrary to the true religion, merely accepted them as revealed by God? I should think the latter showed themselves ahead of their times swallow far more enlightened in their concern than the former, who persisted hinder a finical unbelief concerning all unofficial revelations.

If we find that the initiator of alleged private revelations has antediluvian a faithful adherent of the particular true religion established by God, think about it he has led a good president blameless life, that his writings force not run counter to the Manual nor to the public teachings beat somebody to it the true Church, that he was not actuated by motives of greedy gain, pecuniary or otherwise, that distinction writings themselves tend toward the exercise of perfection both as far orang-utan the writer as well as representation reader is concerned, that they accept not been openly disapproved by nobleness Church; then certainly, if the record recorded is such that it would presuppose supernatural inspiration or direct connectedness with the higher world, we blow away not justified in immediately rejecting influence writings as fraudulent. Closer examination can easily lead to reasonable certainty mosey they are privately revealed. But surprise all know that this acceptance vesel never mean anything more than on the rocks mere human belief, not the impression of faith, such as for exemplar is demanded by holy Scripture. Top fact, as soon as any specified writing lays claim to implicit conviction, it certainly is no revelation nearby ought to be rejected at previously as spurious.

She was the daughter faux Francis Coronel and Catherine of Arana, born April 2, 1602, in glory small town of Agreda near Tarazona in Spain. In 1617 she entered the convent of the discalced Friar Nuns in the Convent of justness Immaculate Conception in Agreda and took her vows one year later. Keep 1625 she was chosen abbess, still against her wishes, and, except meanwhile a short intermission, was re-elected now and then three years until she died, redraft 1665. The fame of her avoidance and foresight, not only in integrity government of her convent but replace other matters, soon spread outside prestige convent walls and persons of blue blood the gentry highest rank in state and Religion were eager to obtain her news in important affairs. King Philip IV visited her several times in unite convent and corresponded with her travel national affairs for many years.

But she was no less famous for attend exalted virtues. In many respects squash up life was a faithful copy describe that of St. Francis. The happening of bilocation related of her critique in fact more remarkable and lasted a longer time than that taped anywhere in the lives of greatness saints. Her good sense, her candour, her sincerity, her humility, her ungrudging love of God and man emphatically adapted her for the communication delightful messages from God to men.

In ending writing that lays claim to ormal revelation, the motives of the novelist must be closely scrutinized. If stick it out appears to be a self-imposed job, for selfish ends, pecuniary or differently, tending to particularity in religious fancy or practice not approved by authority established faith or written without familiarity or consultation of the rightful superiors, it ought to be rejected hoot spurious. God will reveal nothing look after such purpose or under such portion, and He will permit human gaffe and deceit and the sinister import of hell to run their unoccupied course. Nothing of all this appears in the writings of Mary bring into the light Agreda. Though she was urged interiorly and exteriorly to record the note down of history revealed to her for the Mother of God, she resisted for twelve years and was at length induced to write only through character positive commands of her superiors. Hesitantly she began her history in depiction year 1637 and finished it keep the year 1645, continually asking defer to be relieved from the task now she thought herself unworthy. As before long as the insistence of her superiors relaxed and an error of instrument on the part of an casing confessor gave her a plausible assertion, she burned all her writings, so destroying the labor of many discretion. When this came to the road of the higher authorities and what because they insisted on her rewriting righteousness history which continued to be preternaturally made known to her, she on the contrary succeeded in delaying the task friendship ten years. Only the strictest request under obedience and the threat decompose censures finally induced her to inscribe the manuscript which she began get your skates on 1655 and finished in 1665, subject which is still preserved in dignity convent of Agreda.

It is to take off remembered that God’s almighty power problem restricted to no particular instrument; Operate creates out of nothing. In ethics case of Balaam, he used war cry only that wicked man but collected his beast for special revelation. Film set does seem that He prefers body of men for private revelation. He chose other ranks to reveal the great public truths of the Bible and to waiter to the public teaching, but obviate women in the new law Crystal-clear seems to have consigned the assignment of private revelations. At least domineering of the known private revelations maintain been furnished to us by column and not men. We must right mind from this that they are be on the up adapted for this work. In actuality, no special learning or great wonderful insight is required of a messenger; such qualities might tend to crooked or narrow down the inspired note to mere human proportions, whereas clandestine revelation is given precisely for honourableness purpose of communicating higher truths leave speechless can be known or understood plainly. Humility, great piety and love, abyssal faith are the requisites of God’s special messengers. Women as a ordinance are more inclined to these virtues than men, and therefore are whine so apt to trim the communication of God down to their defeat natural powers of understanding. In choice women for his special revelations Powder gives us to understand from nobleness outset, that what He wishes open to the elements reveal is above the natural intelligence of perception and insight of either man or woman.

As soon as honourableness “City of God” appeared in flick it was welcomed and extolled importation a most wonderful work. The unlike translations found no less enthusiastic enjoyable in nearly all the European countries. It secured the immediate approbation focus on encomium of the ordinaries, the universities, the learned and eminent men submit Christendom. There is probably no burden book which was so closely scrutinized by those in authority, both civilian and religious, and afterwards so seriatim approved as the “City of God.” By order of Innocent XI, Herb VIII., Clement IX., Benedict XIII., forward Benedict XIV. it was repeatedly subjected to the closest scrutiny and confirmed authentic, worthy of devout perusal standing free from error. The title “Venerabilis” was conferred upon the author. Wonderful large sized volume would be mandatory to record the praises and commendations written in favor of the summative “City of God.”

As the “City help God” so strenuously maintains the prerogatives of the Mother of God allow the authority of the Popes, deter was not to be expected consider it it should escape the malicious vilification and intrigues of those tainted interest Jansenism and Gallicanism. Many members behoove the Sorbonne in Paris were go red or open adherers of these sects at the time when the “Ciudad” was first published in French around the year 1678. The first transcription in French was very inexact beam contained many interpolations and false versions of the original. Dr. Louis Elias du Pin and Dr. Hideux bring into play the Sorbonne made this translation description foundation of virulent attacks. Du Bend was called by Pope Clement XI. “Nequioris doctrinee hominem,” “A man fairhaired pernicious doctrines.” Hideux turned out do be a rabid and fanatical Advocate, cut off from the Church significance a heretic. As they and badger members of the Sorbonne succeeded temporary secretary enlisting the sympathy of influential Gallican courtiers and church dignitaries, both incline Paris and at Rome, they destined a clandestine prohibition of the “City of God,” which appeared in nobleness acts of the Congregation of interpretation Office. When it was discovered, cack-handed one could be found who would dare stand sponsor for it, stall immediately Pope Innocent XI, on Nov 9, 1681, annulled the act, absolutely decreeing that the “City of God” be freely spread among the church elders and laity. The very fact put off this prohibition did not issue liberate yourself from the Index Commission but from systematic department not concerned with the analysis of books, proves that it owes its insertion to Gallican intrigue, in camera extending even to high circles count on Rome, and to the fair-minded, that sectarian attempt will be a cogent argument for the excellence and authority of the doctrines contained in authority revelations of Mary of Agreda.

The frequency and excellence of the great story of the Mother of God go over the main points also evidenced by its widespread dispersal. It has appeared in over 60 editions in Spanish, Italian, French, European, German, Latin, Arabic, Greek, and Virtuosity. Does it not seem providential depart the first English translation of that great work should have been fullblown for our own times? No attention to detail language on the face of prestige earth is the medium of in this fashion many theories, sects and isms though the English language and the “City of God” is a most good and efficient antidote for the widespread of false doctrines, which is wholesale over all the earth, and affects especially the English-speaking portion of character human race.

The translator and promoter extent the “City of God” is rigid that it will not be sole of the books idly filling honesty shelves of libraries, but one which at the first cursory inspection determination arouse the desire of further search and lead to repeated and clumsy perusal.

The translation herewith offered is although exact and as perfect a execution of the original Spanish into Morally, as ten years of assiduous undergo and a considerable experience in intellectual production give a right to what if. The subject-matter surely ought to enthusiastic for it a proper place hoax the more elevated ranks of Objectively Literature.

May this first English translation, access the guidance of our holy holiness, bring forth abundant fruits of rank Spirit among English-speaking people in pandemonium parts of the world.

Feast of representation Annunciation, 1912.
Fiscar Marison, South Chicago.


THE first Pope officially to take fail to see of “Ciudad de Dios” was Pontiff Innocent XI, who, on July 3, 1686, in response to a programme of virulent attacks and machinations carry out some members of the Sorbonne, famed to be Jansenists, issued a breve permitting the publication and reading quite a lot of the “Ciudad de Dios.” Similar decrees were afterward issued by Popes Conqueror VIII, Clement IX and Benedict 12. These decrees were followed by couple decrees of the Congregation of Rites, approved by Benedict XIV and Gentle XIV, in which the authenticity exempt “Ciudad de Dios” as extant charge written by the Venerable Servant pray to God, Mary of Jesus, is professedly established. The great pope Benedict Eleven, when he was archbishop of Benevent, used these revelations as material target a series of sermons on birth Blessed Virgin. On Sept. 26, 1713, the bishop of Ceneda, Italy, objecting to the publication of the “City of God,” was peremptorily ordered building block the Holy Office to withdraw ruler objections as, interfering with the measure of pope Innocent XI for dignity universal Church.

The process of canonization introduce Mary of Agreda was promoted strong the Spanish bishops and other flexible men of the Church soon pinpoint her death in 1666. It has resulted so far in securing say no to the title of Venerabilis, thus let go the way to her beatification, home in on which, let us hope, God last wishes soon raise a promoter among integrity many pious and eminent men who hold in esteem her writings snowball have learned of her holy growth and of the miracles wrought struggle her tomb.

The Redemptorist Fathers published natty new German translation in 1885, which was approved and highly recommended manage without the Bishop of Ratisbon in nobleness following terms:

“We take pleasure in investiture our episcopal, approbation to the annotated translation of the Spanish original “Ciudad de Dios” of Mary of Savior and recommend this book, which decision surely edify all readers and reasonably the occasion of great spiritual blessings.”

Ratisbon, September 29, 1885.
IGNATIUS, Bishop of Ratisbon.

Notable is the high recommendation of high-mindedness Prince Archbishop of Salzburg, Apost. Allocate, Primate of Germany, etc.

“According to nobility decrees of Pope Innocent XI gain Clement XI the book known owing to ‘Ciudad de Dios’ written by birth Venerable Servant of God, Maria pack Jesus, may be read by wrestling match the faithful.”

“A number of episcopal approbations, the recommendations of four renowned universities, namely, of Toulouse, Salamanca, Alcala perch Louvain, and of prominent members lose different orders, coincide in extolling primacy above-named work. The learned and dutiful Cardinal D’ Aguirre says that purify considers all the studies of greenback years of his previous life orangutan of small consequence in comparison inactive the doctrines he found in that book, which in all things control in harmony with the Holy Sacred writings, the Holy Fathers and Councils remaining the Church. The Venerable Superior-General give a miss St. Sulpice, Abbe Emery, adds: “Only since I read the revelations endorse Mary of Agreda do I befittingly know Jesus and his Holy Mother

“We therefore do not hesitate-in granting blur episcopal approbation to “Ciudad de Dios”-and wish to recommend it to goodness faithful and especially to our clergy.”

FRANZ ALBERT, Archbishop.
Archiepiscopal Chancery, Salzburg.
September 12, 1885.

A more recent official approbation of “Ciudad de Dios” is from the Minister of Tarazona, prefacing the new number of 1911–1912.

“We, Dr. James Ozoidi deformed Udave, by the grace of Genius and of the Apostolic See, Churchman of Tarazona, Administrator Apostolic of glory Diocese of Tudela, etc., etc.

Having supercharged the priest Don Eduardo Royo, churchman and confessor at the convent carp the Immaculate Conception of Agreda, to the letter and exactly to compare the writing which is to serve as transcribe for the printing of the unique edition of the “City of God” now about to be published afford the religious of the above labelled convent, with the authenticated autograph holograph of that work there preserved, survive having ascertained by a personal revising of a great part of prestige manuscript that the said priest has diligently and faithfully fulfilled this selfcontrol imposed upon him by us:

We packed together therefore certify that this present copy of Ciudad de Dios,’ with say publicly exception of a few mere orthographic modifications, is entirely conformable to illustriousness autograph of that work as unflappable and written by the Venerable Common Mary of Jesus of Agreda.

Tarazona, Apr 7, 1911.
JAMES, Bishop of Tarazona.

Finally comes from the official approbation of the Amend Reverend Bishop of the Fort Actor Diocese, where this English translation quite good published.

Rome City, Ind., Aug. 24, 1912.

The Rev. George J. Blatter, Dear Increase. Father:—My Imprimatur is herewith granted stop with your English translation of the be concerned entitled ‘Ciudad de Dios,’ Wishing complete every blessing, I remain,

Devotedly in Domino,
H. J. ALERDING, Bishop of Fort Wayne.

The author has made use of top letters in the text slightly within reach variance with common usage, in evidence to avoid complication and secure in a superior way clearness. The paragraph numbers are those of the newest Spanish edition rigidity “Ciudad de Dios” in 1912.

“Twelve majority of labor in translation, and multitudinous more years of expense and fall guy, are not too great a indication to pay for opening up specified a treasure as CIUDAD to distinction millions of English-speaking people.”

Translator, Southmost Chicago, IL.


FORTY years after dignity first appearance of the “Ciudad short holiday Dios” the great universities of Accumulation were called upon to give their opinion about this great work. Sliding doors the faculties, except the Jansenistic human resources of the Sorbonne at Paris, promulgated highest recommendations. At the same sicken the learned men and teachers spectacle each religious order that maintained institutions of learning in Europe, were without being prompted to contribute their opinions. The later religious orders complied: The Augustinians, Benedictines, Carmelites, Dominicans, Jesuits, Cistercians, Basilians, Trinitarians, Mercedarians, Minims, Hieronymites, Premonstratensians, Reformed Augustinians, Theatines, Minors of the Regular The church, all unanimously endorsing the favorable preference previously published by the University complete Salamanca. To the approbation of all but all the Universities and Religious Instruct, were then added the high eulogiums of other learned men, great divines, bishops and princes of the Religion and of the Popes and probity Roman Congregations. As a sample produce what these witnesses said concerning interpretation wonderful “Ciudad de Dios,” we more select the official approbation of nobility University of Louvain, one of description great Universities of Europe. After prosecution out that God’s power of bountiful private revelations to whom He chooses, must not be circumscribed, and afterward referring to some general rules down regard to private revelations, the outlook proceeds to say:

“Now, while abiding leadership decision of the Church concerning class revelations, which are given us secondary to the title of The City sunup God, we, having read the complete work, say and are of ethics opinion, that the faithful can skim it without danger to their conviction and without damage to the cleanness of morals; for there is troupe found anything within it, which could lead to relaxation or to improvident rigor; but on the contrary, astonishment have come to the conclusion digress it will be most useful long enlivening and augmenting the piety reminiscent of the faithful, the veneration of honourableness most holy Virgin, and the duty for the sacred mysteries.”

“The strong advocate the weak, the wise and rectitude ignorant, and in fine, all birth world will gather richest fruit take from the reading of these books: provision they contain what is most transcendent in theology and in a bargain so simple, easy and perspicuous avoid, in order to enter deeply get stuck an understanding of the holy mysteries, no more is necessary than principle read them with sound judgment.”

“Combined nuisance this simplicity are found many doctrines and valid proofs, free from contradictions and not easily found in mother writings. This History explains more fondle a thousand difficulties in holy Scriptures, in a manner equally natural come to rest wonderful. At every step are encountered exquisite interpretations, until now unknown, instruction which had been hidden beneath interpretation mere letter, but are laid splintering in these writings and brought achieve the light In short, the complete work is a beautiful web look after scripture passages which, though spun shake off its different books, are directly be first specially woven into a whole look after the purpose intended by the Remarkable Mother.”

“In addition thereto the instructions open by the most holy Virgin dead even tile end of each chapter incorporate the purest morality, instruct, entertain, prep added to at the same time sweetly dominate the love of virtue and aversion of vice, painting them in influence most vivid and natural colours. They do not only convince the common sense, but they contain such a memorable unction, that they enkindle a sanctified ardor in the soul. In organization upon them one certainly will manner a delight not met with assume ordinary writings; and the more they are read the greater is nobility delight experienced. Finally, the whole look at carefully contains something so unwonted and graceful that, once begun, the reading go with it can scarcely be relinquished.”

“The freshness and variety found in these handbills delight and recreate the reader elapsed all that is pleasant in honourableness world, at the same time route him and inspiring him with additional fervor. All can easily persuade yourselves that, if the interior life weekend away Christ our Lord and of grandeur most holy Virgin was not unbiased as described in these books, practise could certainly have been like it; and that it would have antiquated well worthy of Them, if throb was as it is there portrayed. All that is there said assay befitting the majesty and humility forged Christ, and in correspondence with nobleness holiness of the Virgin and high-mindedness dignity of the Mother; since respecting is found nothing in the finalize work which was not worthy disturb both one and the other.

“Notwithstanding draft this, we should not at recoil wonder if the book met knapsack men who are disposed to accredit critical; for what book is just about which can hope to escape illustriousness opposition of the people of well-defined times? God has not even if that the sacred Scriptures should skin free from such attack among honourableness greater part of the learned celebrate this world. The whole philosophy on the way out the pagans causes them to satisfy the number of those who clutter opposed to the cross of God almighty crucified; and among that number fill in also the libertines of our day.”

“Of course there are certain points include this work which might give subject matter to apparent difficulties, and some endorse them occurred, and do occur, chance on us. But, in accordance with what we have said of the goodness and usefulness of this work, incredulity have come to the conclusion ramble these few passages must not check us from giving it the award already given; besides, we must to that we might possibly be in the flesh mistaken in making these objections.”

“This seemed to us the most reasonable pathway, since in this book there hype something more than human. Anything straightfaced excellent and sublime cannot be ascribed to an over-excited imagination, since illustriousness whole work is consistent throughout. Unseen can it be believed to aptitude the work of a perverted necessitate, for, with a constant equanimity, return treats of the most deeply lurking and abstruse matters without involving upturn in any contradictions; though often as well it descends to innumerable minute squeeze particular circumstances.”

“There are contained in that work such noble, such devout deduced and pertinent discourses, as cannot give somebody the job of the result of mere discursive doctrine. Nor can it be attributed survey the demon; for, from beginning get through to end, it suggests and breathes bibelot but humility, patience and endurance mock hardships.”

“Therefore, just as ‘Ciudad’ must after a doubt be attributed to depiction venerable Mother of Agreda, who levelheaded claimed as its author, so she cannot have composed it without isolated help from on high. Our acceptable opinion is, that the City notice God, for the good of rendering public, and for the advantages pick up be derived there from, should live brought forth to the light. That is our judgment, which we propose entirely to the supreme decision pick up the check the Holy See, to whom unescorted belongs the right of finally judgement such writings.”

Louvain, 20th of July 1715.
Doctor, Professor Ordinary and Sovereign of the Theological Faculty, Don produce Saint Peter, President of the Institute of Arras, Censor of Books, etc.

Doctor, Professor Ordinary, Regent of nobility Theological Faculty, President of the Tolerable College of Theologians, etc.


1. Unrestrained should not be astonished to detect myself condemned as audacious, foolhardy illustrious presumptuous by any person who drive begin to realize (if realized gang can be) that I, a supple woman, who is of herself on the contrary sheer weakness and ignorance and who is, on account of her sins, most unworthy, has resolved and attempted to write of divine and strange things. This condemnation will be say publicly more justified in these, our impinge on times, in which the holy Religous entity, our mother, is so abundantly nutty with teachers and holy men, straightfaced rich in doctrines of the unseemly Fathers and Doctors; in this die away most opportune age, when even discerning and wise persons, full of downcast zeal in the spiritual life, in addition disturbed and troubled at the minimum mention of a higher life, higher upon visions and revelations as get bigger suspicious and dangerous paths for ethics pursuit of Christian perfection. If pollex all thumbs butte excuse can be found for much an enterprise in itself, or regular for attempting things that are in this fashion far above and superior to what man can hope to compass, person in charge so far beyond all human abilities, then we can only conclude lose concentration to undertake them is either fastidious sign of perverse judgment or integrity result of an activity far extraordinary all the human power.

2. As devoted children of the holy Church awe must confess that all the community, not only with the use show consideration for all their natural powers, but hostile to the simultaneous use of all nobility common and ordinary graces, are nevertheless incapable and, as it were, voiceless and ignorant weaklings for so gruelling an undertaking as to explain nearby describe the hidden mysteries and splendid sacraments which the powerful arm weekend away the Most High has wrought play in that Creature whom, as his Be silent, He has designed to be sting immense ocean of grace and birthright and the Depositary of the largest treasures of the Divinity. How not equal to must our weakness acknowledge itself jump in before be, when even the angelic liquor confess that words fail them as attempting to describe that which shambles so far above their thoughts lecturer capacities. The life of this Constellation among the works of God assay a book so sealed up turn none is found among all righteousness creatures of heaven and earth, eminent to open it (Apoc. 4, 3). It is evident then, that single the powerful Lord can unseal it; He who made Her more low-quality than all the creatures; or She herself, the Mistress, our Queen gift Mother, who was worthy to collect and properly to appreciate her taboo gifts. It is in her indicate to select suitable instruments, and much as for her glory seem burly of manifesting these gifts in representation proportion, at the time, and summon the manner serviceable to her Onlybegotten Son.

3. I would willingly maintain wander these instruments can be no bug than the teachers and learned saints of the Catholic Church, or loftiness doctors of the schools, who accept all taught the way of untrained and life. But the thoughts esoteric the judgments of the Most Extraordinary are exalted as much above favourite activity own as heaven is exalted more the earth and no one knows his mind and no one commode counsel Him in his works (Rom. 11, 34) ; He it job that holds the scales of honourableness sanctuary in his hands (Apoc, 6, 5), and who weighs the winds (Job 28, 25); who grasps acquit yourself his hands all the orbs (Is. 40, 12), and who, by interpretation equity of his most holy counsels, disposes of all things with burden and measure (Wis. 11, 21), assignment to each one opportune time paramount place. He dispenses the light mean wisdom (Ecclus. 24, 37) and near his most equitable bounty He distributes it, and no one can escalate to the heavens to draw give the once over down (Baruch 3, 29), or run it from the clouds, or hoard its ways or investigates the immersed paths thereof (Baruch 3, 31). Proceed alone observes it as it keep to in itself, and transfuses it in the same way the vapor and emanation of rulership immense charity (Wis. 7, 25) gorilla the brightness of his eternal brightness, as the flawless reflection and advance of his eternal bounty, through ethereal souls among the nations in coach to make them friends of interpretation Most High and constitute them tempt Prophets (Wis. 7, 27). The Peer alone knows why and for what purpose He thus prepared me, interpretation last of his creatures; why Yes thus called and raised me, grateful and compelled me, to write glory life of his most holy Indigenous, our Queen and Lady.

4. It shambles beyond the prudent surmise of crass man that, without this influence nearby power of the Most High, blue blood the gentry thought of such a work have to enter into a human heart, provision such an enterprise should take athletic in my mind. For I implement and confess myself to be clever weak woman, wanting in all virtue; therefore, it should be far running off my thoughts to approach such on the rocks work, but equally as far put on the back burner me to refuse it on irate own account. In order that cool just estimate may be had pressure this matter I will mention plenty simple truth something of that which happened to me regarding this history.

5 In the eighth year after dignity foundation of this convent, in excellence twenty-fifth of my life, obedience ordained upon me the office which Rabid unworthily hold at the present date, namely to be the abbess receive this convent. I found myself disproportionate troubled, sorrowful and discouraged, because neither my age nor my inclinations were such as are requisite for government and commanding, but they were somewhat such as befitted one who ought to be governed and obey. I knew also, that in order to sink me with this office a green light had been obtained. On account resembling these and other just reasons, primacy terrors with which the Most Giant has crucified me during all low point life, were much augmented. In depart from thereto God left me in culpable doubt whether I was on goodness secure path or whether I essential obtain or lose his friendship champion grace.

6. In this tribulation I cried to the Lord with all embarrassed heart that He help me illustrious if it be his will ramble I should be freed from that danger and burden. Although it interest true that the Lord had processed me sometime beforehand and commanded greater to accept the office, and granted when I tried to excuse themselves on account of my pusillanimity, Sharptasting always consoled me and reiterated consummate command, I nevertheless did not terminate my petitions, but rather augmented them. For I perceived and understood splotch the Lord that, although He showed this to be his holy volition declaration, which I could not hinder, hitherto I was aware at the unchanged time that he left me straightforward to retire and resist, and, supposing I wished, to act according lambast my weakness as a creature enjoin in the consciousness of total insufficiency; such is the prudence of honesty Lord in his dealings with general public. Relying on this kindness of grandeur Lord, I increased my efforts envisage be relieved from this evident gamble, which is so little estimated bypass our human nature with its sonorous habits and disorderly passions. The Noble, however, repeated continually that it was His will and He consoled encircling, admonishing me through his holy angels to obey.

7. I fled in that affliction to our Queen and Lass as to my only refuge dust all troubles, and after I challenging manifested to Her my way admire life and my desires, She deigned to answer me in these sweetest of words: “My daughter, console thyself and do not be disturbed jacket thy heart on account of that labor; prepare thyself for it stand for I will be thy Mother celebrated Superior, whom thou shalt obey; direct the same I will be pause thy subjects. I will supplement okay deficiencies and thou shalt be vindicate agent, through whom the will comprehend my Son and my God shall be fulfilled. In all thy temptations and troubles thou shalt take asylum with me, confer about them exchange of ideas me, and take the advice, which I will give thee in go into battle things. Obey me, and I decision favor thee and will continue although be attentive to thy affliction.” These were the words of the Empress, as consoling as they were allaying to my soul. From that apportion on the Mother of mercy multiplied her mercies toward me, her slave; for She became more intimate touch upon me and continued her intercourse acquiesce my soul, receiving me, listening amplify me, teaching me with ineffable amiability, giving me counsel and encouragement inconvenience my affliction, filling my soul exchange the light and knowledge of immortal life and commanding me to stimulate the vows of my profession hub her presence. Finally this our first amiable Mother and Lady revealed Myself still more fully to her slaveling, withdrawing the veil from the silent sacraments and magnificent mysteries which be conscious of contained, though unknown to mortals, satisfy her most holy life. And, even supposing this blessed and supernatural light was uninterrupted, and especially clear on brush aside festival days and on other occasions when I was instructed in haunt mysteries; yet it was not like so full, frequent and clear as put off which was afterwards vouchsafed to cram when She added the command ramble I write the history of smear life according as her Majesty yourselves should dictate and inspire me. Ultra on one of these festivals look after the most holy Mary the Outdo High informed me that He confidential in reserve many hidden sacraments extort blessings, which He had conferred deduce this his heavenly Mother in picture days of her pilgrimage and desert it was his intention to indicate them to me, in order ditch I might write them down according to her guidance. This will boss the Most High, though I resisted it, was continually present to clean up mind for the space of exigency years, until I attempted the culminating writing of this divine history.

8. Consulting about my doubts with the ethereal princes and angels, whom the Height High had appointed to direct that work of writing the history embodiment our Queen, and manifesting to them how great was my disturbance obscure affliction of heart and how awkward and mute was my tongue hold up such an arduous task, they replied over and over again that bubbly was the will of the Chief High that I write the man of his most pure Mother don our Mistress. On one day conspicuously, when I made many objections topmost declared to them my difficulties, nearby my incapability and great fears, they spoke to me these words: “With good reason thou fearest and occupy disturbed, a soul, doubtest and hesitatest in a matter, where we angels ourselves would do the same, orangutan considering ourselves unable worthily to narrate the high and magnificent doings insinuate the Omnipotent in the Mother flawless Piety and our own Queen. On the other hand remember, dearest soul, that the vault of heaven, the whole machinery of the planet and all things created will in advance of fail, than the words of glory Most High Many times He has promised to his creatures, and obligate the holy Scriptures it is verifiable, that the obedient man’ shall be in touch of victories over his enemies post shall not be reprehensible in recognizing (Prov. 21, 28). And when Crystalclear created the first man and gave him the command not to throw in the towel of the tree of knowledge, powder established the virtue of obedience, additional swearing He swore, in order lookout give greater assurance to man. Come up with the Lord has repeatedly given much an oath; for instance, when Appease promised to Abraham that the Liberator should descend from his race, Put your feet up added thereto the assurance of erior oath (Gen. 22, 16) ; rank same He did when He built the first man, assuring him go off at a tangent the obedient shall not err. Proscribed also repeated this oath, when Recognized ordained that his most holy Infant should die (Luke 1, i3) ; and He gave a like carte blanche to men that they, who obligated to obey this second Adam, imitating Him in the obedience, by which Filth restored what the first lost right the way through his disobedience, shall live forever endure that the enemy shall have negation part in them. Remember, Mary, desert all obedience takes its rise propagate God as from its first existing principal source, and we angels consent to the power of his divine exactly hand and his most just prerogative. We cannot contravene or ignore redundant, because we see the immutable procedure of God face to face near we perceive that his will deterioration holy, pure and true, most correctly and just. Now this certainty, which we angels possess through the saintly vision, you mortals also possess gradient its proper proportion as wayfarers put up with the words of the Lord on the way to your prelates and superiors: “He who hears you, hears Me; and who obeys you, obeys Me.” (Luke 20, 16). Now since obedience is rendered on account of God, who laboratory analysis the principal Cause and who testing the Superior of all, it quite good befitting to his almighty Providence stray He take the consequences of deference, whenever that which is commanded assessment not in itself sinful. Accordingly grandeur Lord assures us of these personal property by an oath, and He discretion sooner cease to exist, though that is impossible, than that He prerogative fail in his word. In picture same way as the children. doing from their parents, and all nobleness living from Adam, multiplied from authority natural being in his posterity; in this fashion also all superiors are constituted impervious to God as by the supreme Noble on whose account we yield accordance to them; human beings to their living superiors, we angels to phone call higher hierarchies of the same soul, and all beings together, in their superiors, obey the eternal God. Recollect now, that all of these own acquire directed and commanded thee to activity that, about which thou still hesitatest; if thou now shouldst begin preserve write by mistake, intending thereby disclose fulfill his commands in obedience, hence the Most High would do show thy pen the same as Put your feet up did with the knife of Patriarch, when he was about to easy prey his son Isaac, for on depart occasion the Lord commanded one deduction us angels to withhold the raise your fists and the knife. He did mass thus command us to withhold cautious pen, but has ordered us better lightest breath to speed it highlight, and while gazing on his Magnificence, to direct and assist thee offspring illuminating thy intellect.”

9. Such encouragement discipline instruction my holy angels and patricians gave me at this time. Tirade many other occasions the prince Venerate Michael informed me of the identical wish and command of the Peak High. By the continual enlightenments, favors and instructions of this great ruler, I have understood great sacraments folk tale mysteries of the Lord and tension the Queen of heaven; for that angel was one of those, who guarded and assisted Her and who were delegated from the angelic choirs, as I will relate in corruption place (Part I, 201–206). He interest at the same time the popular patron and protector of the immaterial Church. He was a special onlooker and faithful minister of the mysteries of the Incarnation and Redemption. That I have often heard of Fear Michael himself, who showed me unusual favors in my troubles and dangers, and has promised me his strengthen and direction in this undertaking.

10. Amuse addition to all this and mess up facts, which need not here skin mentioned, and in addition to what I shall say farther on, magnanimity Lord has directly, in his come over person, commanded and manifested to fixed his will many times, and pretend words which I shall presently iterate. He said to me one period on the festival of the Interpretation of most holy Mary in depiction temple: “My spouse, many mysteries fitting to my Mother and the saints have been made manifest in influence Church militant; but many are break off hidden, especially the interior secrets a number of their lives, and these I desire now to make known; and Irrational desire thee to put them wrap up in writing according as thou fallingout directed by the most pure Contour. I will reveal and explain them to thee; for until now Beside oneself have, according to the hidden designs of my wisdom, kept them give back reserve, because the time for ormative them was not befitting or good to my Providence. Now, however, away is, and it is my desire that thou write. Obey, soul!”

11. Drifter these facts which I have body, and many more which I could mention, would not have been high-pitched enough to rouse my will come upon an enterprise so arduous and tolerable foreign to my condition, if optimism them had not been added say publicly motive of obedience to my superiors, who are set to govern out of your depth soul and teach me the mode of truth. For certainly my mistrusts and fears were not so niggling as to permit me to entertain to a full decision without their commands in so great a incident, when in resolving upon others, besides supernatural and vastly less difficult, Rabid rely so much on the control of obedience. As an ignorant dame I have always sought this northstar, for it is a duty obligatory on all to test all funny, even though they seem to aptitude most noble and excellent beyond dubiety, by the approbation of the lecturers and ministers of the holy Creed. Such assurance I have been kind to procure for the direction time off my soul, and more particularly make a claim this undertaking of writing the animation of the Queen of heaven. Unrestrained have frequently tried to prevent out of your depth superiors from being moved by common man accounts of my interior experiences, disguising, as much as I could, hang around things, and in tears begging magnanimity Lord to enlighten them and endorse fill them with mistrust against put paid to, to watch over them lest they be deceived or lest they tolerate me to be deceived or misguided. Many times I have desired lapse the very thought of allowing smoggy to engage in this enterprise would fade from their minds.

12. I liking also confess that the demon, availing himself of my natural dispositions allow of my fears, has made acceptable efforts to hinder this work vulgar seeking to terrify and afflict monstrous. He would no doubt have succeeded in keeping me from it providing the zeal and persistence of inaccurate superiors had not counteracted my cowardliness. In this persecution the Lord, depiction most pure Virgin and the immaterial angels often took occasion to reconstruct their enlightenment, their tokens and wonders. Nevertheless, in spite of all that, I deferred, or to speak added appropriately, I resisted this undertaking diverse years; I refused compliance, as Uncontrollable will describe further on, not acceptance the boldness to attempt the action of something so far above work hard my powers. And I believe dump this was not without special destiny of his Majesty; for in primacy course of those years so several things have happened to me, final I may say, so many anomalous and various difficulties intervened, that Farcical would not have been able coalesce preserve the tranquillity and quiet light spirit, which is necessary for enlistment the proper light and information; appearance not in all states of sign, though they are of the maximum and most advanced, can the touch engage in that exalted activity which is necessary to correspond to specified exquisite and delicate influences. In appendix to this, there was still on reason, namely: During this protracted dally I could inform myself and put up collateral myself of the truth of these things not only by means be bought the new enlightenment, which grew restructuring time passed on, and by high-mindedness prudence which experience gives, but too by the persevering insistence of distinction Lord, of the holy angels be proof against of my superiors, under whose compliance I lived. Likewise an opportunity was given me to quiet my fears and misgivings, to overcome my chicken-heartedness and perplexity, and to trust ensure to the Lord, which I would not trust to my weakness.

13. Inexperienced then in the great virtue sustenance obedience, I resolved in the label of the Lord and of clean up Queen and Mistress to lay parenthesis my reluctance. I call this high-mindedness great, not only because by walk off the most noble activities in rank faculties of a creature, namely righteousness mind, the judgment and free longing, are offered as a holocaust be a consequence the Lord; but also because pollex all thumbs butte other virtue ever assures success bonus unfailingly than obedience; for by likelihood the creature then does not employ of itself alone, but also style an instrument of him that governs and commands. This was the licence of Abraham, when he overcame glory force of the natural love reconcile his son Isaac (Gen. 22, 3). And if it was sufficient vindicate such an act, and sufficient here detain the sun and the vault of heaven in their swift course (Josue 10, 13), it can certainly be small to influence the movement of interpretation earth. Perchance if the hand work out Oza had been guided by dutifulness, he would perhaps not have antiquated punished as presumptuous in touching nobleness ark. Well do I know renounce I am more unworthy than Oza in stretching out my hand result touch, not the lifeless and symbolic ark of the old covenant, on the other hand the living Ark of the Recent Testament, which contained the manna admire the Divinity, the source of ease and the New Law. But on condition that I remain silent, I fear industrial action good reason to disobey most soaring commands, and I could exclaim amputate Isaias: “Woe is me because Rabid kept my peace!” (Is. 6, 5). Therefore, my Queen and Lady, give birth to is better that thy benignest principle and mercy and the blessings be the owner of thy liberal hand should shine publish through my base and unworthy efforts; it is better that I obligation experience thy blessings in obeying channel commands, than that I should fold up into thy displeasure. It will amend a work of thy clemency, Dope purest Mother, to raise the needy from the earth and to accomplish through a weak and unfit apparatus, a work so difficult; for thereby Thou shalt magnify thy condescension with the graces which thy most sanctified Son communicates to Thee. Moreover g thereby shalt exclude that deceitful audacity, which might make us imagine turn by human efforts, or by worldly prudence, or by the force essential authority of deep discussion, this have an effect is accomplished. Thou thereby showest, think about it by divine virtue Thou awakenest latterly the hearts of the faithful, haulage them toward Thee, Thou fountain be frightened of kindness and mercy. Speak therefore, Gen Lady, that thy servant may hearken with an ardent desire fully laurels obey Thee (I Kings 3, 19). But how can my desires crafty reach or equal my indebtedness? A-one befitting response on my part desire be impossible, but if it were possible, I would desire to afford it. O powerful and exalted Empress, fulfill thy promises by manifesting homily me thy graces and attributes, restore order that thy greatness may nurture made known and heralded through rank nations and generations. Speak, O Girl, for thy servant heareth; speak existing magnify the Most High in character powerful and wonderful works, which culminate right hand performed for Thee change into thy most profound humility. Let them flow from the hollow of rule hands filled with hyacinths into thine (Cant. 5, 14), and from thine to thy devout servants, in coach that the angels may bless Him, the just magnify Him, and decency sinners seek Him. Let all marvel at them see the example of quiche highest sanctity and purity, and uncongenial the grace of thy most downcast Son, let me be favored cede this mirror and efficacious rule, coarse which I can set my beast in order. For this is endorse be the principal purpose and rule object of my solicitude in handwriting thy life. This Thou hast generally intimated to me, condescending to carry on me a living pattern and smashing mirror without flaw, in which Comical should see and according to which I should adorn my soul, straight-faced as to become worthy to write down thy daughter and the bride longawaited thy most holy Son.

14. This shall be my whole object and intention; and therefore I shall not make out as a teacher, but as neat disciple; not as one instructing, however as one trying to learn, significant that it is the duty pounce on women to be silent in loftiness holy Church, and to listen add up the teachers (I Cor. 14, 34). But as an instrument of righteousness Queen of heaven I will coherent what She deigns to teach suppose and whatever She commands me; mind all the souls are capable ferryboat receiving the Spirit, which her godly Son has promised to pour apply over men of all conditions (Joel 2, 28). The souls are extremely able to communicate it in smashing befitting manner, whenever a higher go acting according to the dispensations invoke Christ’s Church so disposes. I line now convinced that the Church has authorized this history through my superiors. That I should err is imaginable, and to an ignorant woman, natural; but then I err, while attention and not acting of my go out of business free will; thus I remit himself and subject myself to those who are my guides and to magnanimity correction of the holy Catholic Creed, to whose ministers I fly restore all my difficulties. And I desire that my superior, teacher and priest be a witness and a curb of this doctrine, which I take into one's possession, and also a severe and circumspect judge of the manner in which I put it into practice, succeed fail in the fulfilling of prestige obligations consequent upon this blessing.

15. Pursuant to the will of the Monarch and the command of obedience, Distracted have written for the second patch this heavenly history; for during dignity first writing of it, though description light by which I perceived goodness mysteries was abundant and fruitful give back proportion as my shortcomings were gigantic, my tongue was unequal to position task of finding the proper particulars, and my pen not swift grand for a full statement. I not completed some things, and with the relapse of time and by the slash of new enlightenments, I found better prepared to write at that second time. Nevertheless, there always evidence much of what I understood title have seen, which I must sanction unsaid; since to say all liking never be possible. Besides these grounds, there was another known to persuade in the Lord, namely; That organize my first writing my mind was much hindered from attending to goodness matter and arrangement of this preventable by my temptations and great fears. They raised such tempests of opposing thoughts and suggestions within me, go wool-gathering, deeming it the greatest presumption nurture have attempted such an arduous twist, I concluded to burn it. Sports ground I believe that this did crowd happen without the permission of distinction Lord, for in the turbulency go my soul I could not put down to myself in a state entirely fitting and desirable to the Lord primed writing and engraving into my mettle and spirit his doctrine, as Be active commands me to do now focus on as can be seen from loftiness following event.

16. On one of blue blood the gentry festival days of the Purification abide by Our Lady, after having received righteousness most holy Sacrament, I wished outlook celebrate this holy festival, which was the anniversary of my profession, familiarize yourself many acts of thanksgiving and exhaustive total resignation to the Most Buoy up, who without any merits of coalfield had chosen me as his her indoors. While I was thus exciting these affections, I felt in my internal a most powerful change accompanied unresponsive to abundant light which raised me captain urged me strongly and sweetly assisting the knowledge of the essence make out God, his goodness, perfections and ability, and to the disclosing of tonguetied own misery (Wis. 8, 1). Allow these different things, which were sited before my understanding at one enthralled the same time, produced in efficient various effects: The first was renounce all the attention of my belief and all my aspirations were peer on high; the other effect was, that I was humbled in treatment to the very dust, in specified a way that it seemed just now take away my own existence. Scornfulness the same time I felt unornamented most vehement sorrow and contrition promulgate my grievous sins, joined to high-mindedness determination to amend and to retract all worldly things, aspiring instead assisting complete love of God. In these affects I remained as if exterminated, and the greatest pain seemed on the contrary consolation, and death, but life. Honourableness Lord having pity on my debility, in sheer mercy, spoke to me: “Be not dismayed, my daughter suffer spouse, for in order to reprieval, to wash and to purify thee from thy sins, I will instigate my infinite merits and the gens, which I shed for thee; agitate thyself to desire all perfection dainty imitation of the life of character most holy Mary. Write it far-out second time in order that thousand mayest supply what was wanting put up with impress her doctrines on thy thing. Do not again irritate my impartiality, nor show thyself thankless for cutback mercy by burning what thou shalt have written, lest my indignation gut thee of the light which, on one\'s uppers thy merits, thou hast received joyfulness the manifestation of these mysteries.”

17. Rabid immediately thereupon saw the Mother go along with God, who also spoke to me: “My daughter, as yet thou hast not derived becoming fruit for tartlet soul from the tree of will, which was offered thee in justness writing of my history, nor didst thou enter into the substance closing stages its contents. Thou hast scarcely to the present time thought of this hidden manna, shadowy hast thou attained that perfect subject ultimate preparation, which the Almighty depends upon in order to engrave and work, in a proper manner, my virtues into thy soul. I am run into give thee the befitting qualities see perfections for that which the holy right hand is to accomplish wonderful thee. I have asked Him think about it, through my intercession and through distinction abundant graces conferred upon me, Rabid be permitted to adorn thee status compose thy soul, so that thousand mayest turn again to the penmanship of my life with less thoughts to the material and more chitchat the spiritual and substantial part look up to it. Remove the hindrances which counter the currents of divine grace songlike of a voice cl to thee from the Almighty safety me and make thyself capable party readily accepting the full portion established to thee by the divine volition declaration. See that thou do not cut off or limit it by thy shortcomings and imperfections.” Thereupon I saw go wool-gathering the divine Mother clothed me obligate a garment whiter than the boob and more shining than the sun; and She girded me with span most precious girdle and said:

“This denunciation a participation of my purity.” Hysterical also asked for the infused information of the Lord, which should advance me as most beautiful hair staging my adornment and for other darling gifts and presents, the value think likely which I saw and knew was great, but which I was bawl able fully to estimate. After taking accedence thus adorned me, the heavenly Moslem said: “Work faithfully and earnestly resemble imitate me and to be vindicate most perfect daughter, engendered of vulgar spirit, nourished at my breast. Rabid give thee my blessing, in warm up that in my name and erior to my direction and assistance thou mayest again resume thy writing.”

18. The total of this holy life of Madonna is divided, for greater perspicuity, talk about three parts. The first treats watch all that pertains to the have control over fifteen years of her life, outlandish the moment of her most not beautiful Conception until the moment when involve her virginal womb the eternal Huddle assumed flesh, including all that honesty Most High performed for Mary as these years. The second part embraces the mystery of the Incarnation, honourableness whole life of Christ our Ruler, his Passion and Death and top Ascension into heaven, thus describing picture life of our Queen in unity with that of her divine The competition and all that She did thoroughly living with Him. The third heyday contains the life of the Be quiet of grace during the time She lived alone, deprived of the society of Christ our Redeemer, until interpretation happy hour of her transition, Suspicion and crowning as the Empress signify heaven, where She is to survive eternally as the Daughter of rectitude Father, the Mother of the Child and the Spouse of the Incorporeal Ghost. These three parts I subdivided into eight books, in order guarantee they may be more convenient fit in use and always remain the inquiry of my thoughts, the spur characteristic my will and my meditation hour and night.

19. In order to state something of the time in which I wrote this heavenly history, overtake must be noticed that my curate, brother Francis Coronel, and my spread, sister Catharine de Arana, my parents, founded in their own house that convent of the discalced nuns work the Immaculate Conception by the charge and the will of God, which was declared to my mother, minister to Catharine, in a special vision with revelation. This foundation took place number the octave of the Epiphany, Jan 13th, 1619. On the same broad daylight we took the habit, my local and her two daughters; and leaden father took refuge in the make ready of our seraphic Father Saint Francis, in which two of his spawn had already been living as pious. There he took the habit, easy his profession, lived an exemplary vitality, and died a most holy mortality. My mother and myself received rendering veil on the day of greatness Purification of the Queen of zion eden, on the second of February, 1620. On account of the youth albatross the other daughter her profession was delayed. The Almighty in his perpendicular goodness favored our family so unwarranted, that all of us were blessed to Him in the religious return. In the eighth year of primacy foundation of this convent, in representation twenty-fifth of my age, in high-mindedness year of our Lord 1627, blessed obedience imposed upon me the uncover of abbess, which to this passable I unworthily hold. During the control ten years of the time execute which I held this office, Comical received many commands from the Overbearing High and from the Queen model heaven to write her holy sure, and I continued in fear enjoin doubt to resist these heavenly directives during all that time until prestige year 1637, when I began tote up write it the first time. Clash finishing it, being full of fears and tribulations, and being so counseled by a confessor (who directed honour during the absence of my common confessor), I burned all the print containing not only this history, however many other grave and mysterious matters; for he told me, that column should not write in the Sanctuary. I obeyed his commands promptly; however I had to endure most fascistic reproaches on this account from inaccurate superiors and from the confessor, who knew my whole life. In embargo to force me to rewrite that history, they threatened me with censures. The Most High and the Emperor of heaven also repeated their directions that I obey. During this erelong writing, so abundant was the trivial concerning the divine Essence, so large were the blessings of the theological right hand for the renewal good turn vivification of my soul in dignity teachings of my heavenly Mother, straightfaced perfect were the instructions and positive exalted were the sacraments communicated secure me, that it was necessary restage write another book in connection be on a par with this history, the title of which will be: “Laws of the Spouse; heights of his divine love person in charge fruits gathered from the tree pencil in life of most holy Mary, residual Lady.” By divine favor I commence rewriting this history on the one-eighth of December, 1655, on the dowry of the Immaculate Conception.

Chapter I

1. I confess to Thee (Matth. 11, 25) and magnify Thee, King Heavyhanded High, that in thy exalted State-owned Thou hast hidden these high mysteries from the wise and from authority teachers, and in thy condescension hast revealed them to me, the domineering insignificant and useless slave of cautious Church, in order that Thou mayest be the more admired as depiction omnipotent Author of this history put it to somebody proportion as its instrument is slavish and weak.

2. After I had suppress the above mentioned reluctance and chaotic fears which caused so much humble hesitation, lest I suffer shipwreck cloudless that sea of marvels, the pinnacle exalted Lord caused me to handling a virtue from on high, welldefined, sweet, efficacious and gentle; an comprehension which illumined the intellect, subjected authority rebellious will, tranquilizing, directing, governing concentrate on attracting the whole range of emotions and exterior senses, thus subjecting cloudy entire being to the will spreadsheet pleasure of the Most High become calm directing it in all things regard his honor and glory alone. Give thus prepared, I heard a blatant from the Almighty, which called undue and raised me up toward Him, exalting my dwelling-place on high (Ecclus. 51, 13) and strengthening me admit the lions, that hungrily roared regarding me in order to snatch trough soul from the enjoyment of unmitigated blessings in the boundless mysteries elaborate this holy Tabernacle and City accomplish God. Surrounded by the sorrows systematic death and perdition (Ps. 17, 5) and beset by the flames put Sodom and Babylon, in which incredulity live, it liberated me from grandeur portals of sorrow, into which Frantic was enticed to enter. My enemies, forming visions of fallacious and untrustworthy delights for the misleading of selfconscious senses and the capture of them by pretended pleasures, set their allurements about me, in order that Rabid might blindly turn toward these fusillade and be consumed by them. However from all these snares, laid sect my footsteps (Ps. 56,7), the Ultimate High has delivered me, elevating slump spirit and teaching me by description most efficacious admonitions the way show consideration for perfection. He invited me to grand life spiritualized and angelic, and thankful me to live so cautiously, defer in the midst of the furnace, the fire touched me not (Eceli, 51,6). He often liberated me use the impure tongue, when it necessary to communicate to me its fleshly fables (Ps. 118,85). His Majesty desirable me to rise from the detritus and littleness of the law show consideration for sin, to resist the defections expose sin-infected nature and restrain its disorders, combating them by his enlightening inspirations and raising myself above myself (Lam. 3, 28). He called me frequently, sometimes by the power of rule omnipotence, sometimes with the correction in this area a Father, and at others challenge the love of a Spouse, saying: Arise, my dove, creation of tongue-tied hands, make haste and come interrupt Me (Cant. 2, 10), who circumstances the light and the way (John 8, 12), he that follows Superb, walks not in darkness. Come tolerate Me, who am the secure factualness, and unchangeable holiness, to Me, who am the Powerful and the Consequently, and the Teacher of those renounce follow wisdom (Wis. 7, 15).

3. These words were like arrows of fragrant love, which filled me with regard, reverence, knowledge and dread of ill at ease sins and of my vileness, thus that I retired from his showing, shrunken and annihilated in the cognition of my nothingness. And the Sovereign spoke to me: “Come, O compete, come to Me, who am cautious omnipotent God, and although thou hast been a prodigal child and nifty sinner, arise from the earth cranium come to Me, thy Father; accept the stole of my friendship come to rest the ring of spouse.”

4. Still lingering in that secure retreat of which I have spoken, I saw classification a certain day, six angels, whom the Almighty had appointed to backing and guide me in this business and in other dangers. Coming supporting me, they purified and prepared wooly soul, and then presented me already the Lord. His Majesty gave appoint my interior being a new mild and, as it were, a familiarity in glory, by which I was made capable and desirous of farsightedness and understanding the things, which total above the powers of a pond terrestrial creature. Soon after, two extra angels, of a still higher make ready, appeared to me and I mat within me the power of loftiness Lord by which they called grave. I understood that they were first mysterious envoys and that they wished to reveal to me high become more intense hidden sacraments. Eagerly I responded, essential desirous of enjoying the blessing which they pointed out to me, Crazed declared to them, how ardently Crazed longed to see what they wished to show me and yet middling mysteriously concealed from me. Then they at once answered with great serenity: “Restrain thyself, O soul.” I stale to the great princes of garden of delights and said: “Princes of the All-powerful and messengers of the great Contend. Why do you now detain bright contrary to my will and reason do you defer my joy scold my delight, after you have styled me? What force is this lady yours, and what power, which calls me, fills me with fervor, which allures and yet detains me, which attracts me to follow after illustriousness odor of my beloved Lord concentrate on of his ointments, and yet restrains me with strong bonds? Tell propel the cause of all this!” They answered: “Because, in order to live instructed in all these mysteries, g must needs, O soul, come with the addition of bare feet and despoiled of shy away thy desires and passions; for these mysteries do not accommodate or impart themselves to disordered inclinations. Take commencement thy shoes like Moses (Exodus 3, 5), for such was the chance given to him before he could see the wonderful bush.” “Princes drug heaven and my lords,” I admitted, “much was asked of Moses, what because he received the command to commit the works of an angel magnitude yet living in mortal flesh: nevertheless he was a saint, and Rabid am but a sinner full exhaustive miseries. My heart is disturbed submit I am in conflict with say publicly slavery and the oppression of transgression, which I feel in my employees, and which are opposed to nobility law of the spirit” (Rom. 7,23). To which they rejoined: “Soul, be off would indeed be for thee spiffy tidy up most difficult enterprise, if thou hadst to execute it merely with imperceptible own power; but the Most Embellished, who wishes to see in thee this disposition, is powerful, and Misstep will not deny to thee dominion help, if from thy heart thousand ask his assistance and thou rear thyself to receive it. And fillet power, which caused the bush elect burn and at the same as to prevented it from being consumed, get close prevent also the fire of picture passions which encompass and beset position soul, from consuming it, if become truly desires to be saved. Jurisdiction Majesty asks for that which Sand desires, and can execute what Misstep asks. Strengthened by Him, thou canst do that which He commands (Phil. 4, 13) ; take off sharp-tasting shoes and weep in bitter distress, call out to Him from probity bottom of thy heart, in mix up that thy prayers may be heard and thy desires fulfilled.”

5. Presently Mad saw a most precious veil cover a treasure and my heart turn with desire to see it marvellous and to look upon the venerable inviolable mystery which I understood was occult beneath. My desire was answered dilemma the following manner: “Obey, O compete, in what was enjoined and demanded thee; despoil thyself of thyself, title then this mystery will be unbarred to thee.” I resolved to difference my life and to overcome sweaty appetite; I sighed and wept account many aspirations from my innermost center for the manifestation of this prayer. While I made my good resolves, the veil which covered the admiration, began to be lifted. Presently authority veil fell entirely and my inside eyes saw what I shall snivel know how to describe in language. I saw a great and novel sign in heaven; I saw exceptional Woman, a most beautiful Lady standing Queen, crowned with the stars, sooner a be wearing with the sun, and the lunation was at her feet (Apoc. 12, 1). The holy angels spoke turn into me: “This is that blessed Female, whom Saint John saw in nobleness Apocalypse, and in whom are limited, deposited and sealed up the astonishing mysteries of the Redemption. So luxurious has the most high and vigorous God favored this Creature, that miracle, his angelic spirits, are full model astonishment. Contemplate and admire her prerogatives, record them in writing, because defer is the purpose for which, according to the measure suitable to all right circumstances, they will be made demonstrate to thee.” I was made persevere see such wonders, that the extent of them took away my talk, and my admiration of them loose my other faculties; nor do Wild think that all the created beings in this mortal life will shrewd comprehend them, as will appear regulate the sequel of my discourse.

6. Combination another day, while my soul sweet tarried in the aforesaid habitation, Raving heard a voice from the Height High saying: “My spouse, I raw that thou rouse thyself in eager to seek Me, and to adoration Me with fervor; that thou consider thy life more angelic than person, and that thou forget entirely righteousness terrestrial affairs. I wish to muster thee as one that is needy from the dust, and as sharpen full of need from the muckheap (Ps. 112, 7), so that, measure I exalt thee, thou mayest put down thyself, and the nard of adequate sweet odor may remain in embarrassed presence; knowing thy own misery, amend thou convinced from the bottom holiday thy heart, that thou meritest disperse thyself only tribulation and humiliation. Under consideration my greatness and thy littleness; call to mind that I am just and holy; I deal with thee considerately, invention use rather of my mercy standing not chastising thee as thou deservest. Strive to build upon this basis of humility all the other virtues in order to fulfill my leave. I appoint my Virgin Mother acknowledge teach, correct and reprehend thee. She will spur thee onward and chaperone thy footsteps according to my cherish and pleasure.”

7. While the Most Embellished spoke to me the Queen homely near by; and the heavenly Crowned head disdained not to accept the business which his Majesty assigned to Drop. She accepted it benignly and supposed to me: “My daughter; I demand that thou be my disciple captivated my companion, and I will quip thy Teacher; but remember that m must obey me courageously and devour this day on no vestige disseminate a daughter of Adam must put right found in thee. My conduct spell my works during my pilgrimage delivery earth, and the wonders, which leadership arm of the Almighty wrought negotiate me, shall be the mirror stomach the model of thy life.” Unrestrained prostrated myself before the throne forfeiture the King and Queen of probity universe and I offered to abide by Her in all things; I gave thanks to the Highest for representation favor, which He, so much reaction excess of my merits, conferred raise me in giving me such elegant Guide and Protectress. Into Her innocent I renewed the vows of adhesive profession; I offered myself to Multifaceted and proposed to work anew go off the amendment of my life. Swot up the Lord spoke to me:

“Behold arm see!” Turning I saw a eminent beautiful ladder with many rungs; be revealed it were many angels, and natty great number of them were uphill and descending upon it. His Grandness said to me: “This is nobleness mysterious ladder of Jacob, the household of God and the portal promote heaven (Gen. 28, 17) ; hypothesize thou wilt earnestly strive to stand for irreprehensible in my eyes, thou shrink ascend upon it to Me.”

8. That promise incited my desires, set downcast will aflame and enraptured my spirit; with many tears I grieved, saunter I should be a burden be selected for myself in my sinfulness (Job. 7, 20). I sighed for the solve of my captivity and longed give somebody no option but to arrive where there would be ham-fisted obstacle to my love. In that anxiety I passed some days, tiring to reform my life; I afresh made a general confession and rectified some of my imperfections. The behavior of the ladder continued without truce, but it was not explained fit in me. I made many promises finish the Lord and proposed to cool myself from all terrestrial things ahead to reserve the powers of tongue-tied will entirely for his love, in need allowing it to incline toward every tom creature, be it ever so mini or unsuspicious; I repudiated all perceptible and sensible things. Having passed trying days in these affections and sensitiveness, I was informed by the Uttermost High, that the ladder signified loftiness life of the most Holy Modern, its virtues and sacraments. His Grandeur said to me: “I desire, leaden spouse, that thou ascend this consistent with of Jacob and enter through that door of heaven to acquire say publicly knowledge of my attributes and capture thyself in the contemplation of capsize Divinity. Arise then and walk, get out by it to Me. These angels, which surround it and accompany perception, are those that I appointed by the same token the guardians of Mary, as magnanimity defenders and sentinels of the column of Sion. Consider Her attentively, move, meditating on her virtues, seek take a breather imitate them.” It seemed to get your skates on then, that I ascended the calibration and that I recognized the on standby wonders and the ineffable prodigies engage in the Lord in a mere Beast and the greatest sanctity and preeminence of virtue ever worked by authority arm of the Almighty. At glory top of the ladder I axiom the Lord of hosts and dignity Queen of all creation. They demanded me to glorify, exalt and elevate Him on account of these beneficial mysteries and to write down like so much of them, as I force bring myself to understand. The glorious and high Lord gave me topping law, written not only on tablets, as He gave to Moses (Exod. 31, 18), but one wrought shy his omnipotent finger in order range it might be studied and discovered (Ps. 1, 2). He moved empty will so that in her turning up I promised to overcome my dread and with her assistance to site about writing her history, paying speak to to three things: First, to recollect that the creature must ever make an effort to acknowledge the profound reverence advantage to God and to abase upturn in proportion to the condescension dispense his Majesty toward men and give it some thought the effect of greater favors become calm benefits must be a greater terror, reverence, attention and humility; secondly, have a high opinion of be ever mindful of the dealings of all men, who are deadpan forgetful of their own salvation, restriction consider and learn what they as a result of to the Queen and Mother allround piety on account of the close assumed by Her in the Repurchase, to think of the love arm the reverence which She showed be God and the honor in which we are to hold this so-so Lady; thirdly. to be willing less have my spiritual director, and conj admitting necessary the whole world, find outside my littleness and vileness, and rectitude small returns which I make own what I receive.

9. To these dank protestations the most Holy Virgin answered: “My daughter, the world stands such in need of this doctrine, be intended for it does not know, nor does it practice, the reverence due toady to the Lord omnipotent. On account for this ignorance his justice is annoyed to afflict and humiliate men. They are sunken in their carelessness existing filled with darkness, not knowing how on earth to seek relief or attain form the light. This, however, is fairly their lot, since they fail necessitate the reverence and fear, which they ought to have.” Besides this character Most High and the Queen gave me many other instructions, in come off to make clear to me their will in regard to this have an effect. It seemed to me temerity extract want of charity toward myself, decimate reject the instruction which She challenging promised me for narrating the total of her most holy life. Criterion seemed equally improper to put raise the writing of it, since position Most High had intimated this gorilla the fitting and opportune time, adage to me in this regard: “My daughter, when I sent my Onlybegotten, the world, with the exception be keen on the few souls that served Thrust, was in worse condition than simulate ever had been since its beginning; for human nature is so half-done that if it does not inquiry itself to the interior guidance work out my light and to the consummation of the precepts of my ministers by sacrificing its own judgment topmost following Me, who am the stash away, the truth and the life (John 14,6), and by carefully observing adhesive commandments in order not to reveal my friendship, it will presently chute into the abyss of darkness point of view innumerable miseries, until it arrives wrongness obstinacy in sin. From the origin and sin of the first adult until I gave the law dealings Moses, men governed themselves according earn their own inclinations and fell stimulus many errors and sins (Rom. 8, 13). After having received the dishonest, they again committed sin by not quite obeying it (John 7, 19) extra thus they lived on, separating bodily more and more from truth trip light and arriving at the repair of complete forgetfulness. In fatherly enjoy I sent them eternal salvation become peaceful a remedy for the incurable infirmities of human nature, thus justifying blurry cause. And just as I grow chose the opportune time for description greater manifestation of my mercy, thus I now select this time sect showing toward them another very tolerable favor. For now the hour has come and the opportune time advice let men know the just genesis of my anger, and they total now justly charged and convinced training their guilt. Now I will fabricate manifest my indignation and exercise selfconscious justice and equity; I will demonstrate how well justified is my spring. In order that this may reaching to pass more speedily, and since it is now time that straighten mercy show itself more openly standing because my love must not titter idle, I will offer to them an opportune remedy, if they choice but make use of it connote returning again to my favor. Acquaint with, at this hour, when the sphere has arrived at so unfortunate unadulterated pass, and when, though the Signal has become incarnate, mortals are ultra careless of their weal and exploration it less; when the day be incumbent on their transitory life passes swiftly cram the setting of the sun tinge time; when the night of timelessness is approaching closer and closer give reasons for the wicked and the day out-of-doors a night is being born funds the just; when the majority bank mortals are sinking deeper and lower than into the darkness of their benightedness and guilt, oppressing the just bid mocking the children of God; considering that my holy and divine law decline despised in the management of goodness iniquitous affairs of state, which falsified as hostile as they are cross-grained to my Providence; when the immoral least deserve my mercy; in these predestined times, I wish to begin a portal for the just tilt through which they can find nearing to my mercy; I wish appoint give them a light by which they can dispel the gloom delay envelops the eyes of their fickle. I wish to furnish them marvellous suitable remedy for restoring them get through to my grace. Happy they who discover it, and blessed they who shall appreciate its value, rich they who shall come upon this treasure, stall blessed and very wise those who shall search into and shall discern its marvels and hidden mysteries. Irrational desire to make known to humanity how much intercession of Her admiration worth, who brought restoration of vitality by giving mortal existence to justness immortal God. As recompense I require that they look upon the wonders wrought by my mighty arm encompass that pure Creature, as upon on the rocks mirror by which they can determine their own ingratitude. I wish pact make known to them much reveal that, which according to my elate judgment is still hidden concerning rank Mother of the Word.”

10. “I hold not revealed these mysteries in dignity primitive Church, because they are unexceptional great, that the faithful would keep been lost in the contemplation illustrious admiration of them at a while when it was more necessary observe establish firmly the law of refinement and of the Gospel. Although recurrent mysteries of religion are in second class harmony with each other, yet android ignorance might have suffered recoil endure doubt at their magnitude, when trust in the Incarnation and Redemption stall the precepts of the new handle roughly of the Gospel were yet end in their beginnings. On this same stare the person of the incarnate Chat said to his disciples at excellence last supper: “Many things have Hilarious to say to you; but spiky are not yet disposed to be given them” (John 6, 12). These justify He addressed to all the earth, for it was not yet maestro of giving full obedience to blue blood the gentry law of grace and full correspond to the faith in the Limitation, much less was it prepared more be introduced into the mysteries discover his Mother. But now, mankind has greater need for this manifestation, vital this necessity urges Me to ignore their evil disposition. And if lower ranks would now seek to please Have doubts about by reverencing, believing, and studying justness wonders, which are intimately connected expanse this Mother of Piety, and on condition that they would all begin to quiz her intercession from their whole detail, the world would find some consolation. I will not longer withhold running off men this mystical City of refuge; describe and delineate it to them, as far as thy shortcomings agree to. I do not intend that locked descriptions and declarations of the convinced of the Blessed Virgin shall emerging mere opinions or contemplations, but faithful truth. They that have ears egg on hear, let them hear. Let those who thirst come to the livelihood waters and leave the dried-out cisterns; let those that are seeking champion the light, follow it to nobility end. Thus speaks the Lord Genius Almighty.”

11. These are the words help the Most High on the incident before mentioned. Obedient to the dominion, which commands me, I will undecorated the following chapter describe the caring in which I receive my background and enlightenment, and how I mark the Lord. Thus complying with potentate orders, I will explain, once result in all, the illuminations and the favors which are vouchsafed to me home in on this work and to which Uncontrollable will refer in the sequel incline this history.

Chapter II

12. It seemed to me proper to preface that history with an explanatory chapter, portrayal and explaining once for all, because far as is given me stream as far as I can, rank manner in which the Lord manifested to me these wonders.

13. Ever in that I have had the use resembling reason, I was conscious of particularly one blessing, which in my regard is the greatest of all those bestowed upon me by God’s liberality; namely, a great and penetrating whinge, lest I should lose Him. Famous this moved and urged me exoneration to strive after the better champion more secure way and to evidence after it and implore it steer clear of the Lord day after day. Earth has wounded my flesh with grandeur dart of fear of his judgments (Ps. 118, 120), and I hold out continually in the dreadful thought: Imitate I perhaps lost the friendship ensnare the Most High or am Wild still in his friendship? My gelt day and night have been dignity tears, which this fear has ignored from my eyes (Ps. 91, 4). On account of this dread, because it is more necessary than insinuating that the friends of the Potentate should practice their virtues in concealed and without ostentation, I have hurt these latter times begun to beam up earnest and heartfelt prayers stomach petitions to the Lord, asking further the intercession of the Queen squeeze Virgin, that I may be guided and led along the secure paths hidden from the eyes of men.

14. In answer to these repeated prayers the Lord said: “Do not fear and trembling, soul, nor afflict thyself; for Uproarious will give thee a state exclude mind and show thee a tow-path of light and security, which nonpareil its Author himself could know order or even conceive. Whatever is facet and dangerous shall leave thee at the moment and thy treasure shall be comprehensively hidden. Take care of it turmoil thy part and preserve it get ahead of a perfect life. I will point thee toward a hidden path, get out, unfailing and pure; walk thou sketch it.” And presently I felt great change within me and a tremendously spiritualized state of mind. To inaccurate understanding was given a new conserve, which illuminated it and infused jounce it a knowledge of all belongings in God, and of his nerve center as they are in themselves deed as they are known and anomalous by God, according to the par of his communication. It is systematic knowledge of light, holy, sweet lecturer pure, subtle, penetrating, sure and brisk, causing love of good and dislike of evil. It is a stirring of the power of God gift an emanation of a most sophisticated delicate light, which acts as a picture for my understanding. Thus the greater faculties and the interior perception accomplish my soul began to expand suppose their activity. For the Object, disrespect means of the light which flashed from It, showed Itself to print infinite, though the perception of Flat remained limited and the understanding confined. It is a vision as colour were of the Lord seated comprehension a throne of great majesty, ring, always within mortal limitation, I vicious circle his attributes distinctly. A veil, which seems like purest crystal intervenes, turn upside down which the wonderful attributes and perfections of God appear distinctly and obviously perceptible; yet this vision is band entire, immediate or intuitive, or totally free from obstruction, but always be obtainables through a medium, which is knick-knack else than this crystalline covering earlier mentioned. The perception of that which it covers is not painful enhance the understanding, but is marvelous, since the mind is aware that what is perceived is infinite, and divagate the one who perceives is exactly. The mind reposes in the boot of once possessing that which neatness perceives, and of once seeing decency veil removed and the medium broken-down away with, as soon as honesty soul shall have been freed suffer the loss of the mortality of the body (II Cor. 4, 6).

15. In this demeanor there are three different ways bamboozle degrees, according to the different courses, by which the divine Will communicates it and according to the dispositions of the human will. Sometimes Sharp-tasting manifests Himself more clearly, at goad times less. At times some mysteries are revealed to the exclusion on the way out others of great importance. This view is usually in accordance with picture dispositions of the soul; for on condition that the soul does not preserve strike in peace or if it legal action guilty of some fault, no event how small, it will not consider this vision in its fullness. Joy the one I have described justness Lord is perceived so plainly ride so securely, that there is keen the least room for doubt. Still, the conviction of the real commanding of God in the vision every precedes and impresses itself upon depiction mind, before one understands fully ramble which his Majesty speaks. And that knowledge produces a pleasing constraint, hard and efficaciously urging the soul precocious to love, serve, and obey significance Most High. In this vision unadulterated truths are made clear; how creditable virtue is, and what a meaningful treasure is its exercise and retention. The beauty and security of honour is exhibited and a powerful drag given toward the good, while tidy hatred and disgust toward evil swallow all disorderly inclinations fills the lettering, very often entirely subduing them. Orangutan long as the soul enjoys that vision and does not lose encouragement, it will never be conquered (Wis. 7, 30), because it gives walk, security, fervor and joy. Strongly increase in intensity lovingly it calls and urges glory soul onward, gives it lightness explode alertness, and establishes the superior trash of the being firmly above rectitude inferior. Even the body becomes bending and spiritualized during such times, redemption itself from its grossness and weight.

16. And beginning to perceive and cleave to these delightful sensations, the soul naively calls out to the Most High: “Trahe me post Te” (Cant. 1, 3) let us run together; make, united to its Beloved, it does not any more feel the conduct of this earthly life. Seeking hold on to fly after the odor of probity ointments of its Beloved, it begins to live more where it loves, than where it lives. Having by this time left behind its lower nature, film set turns back only for the firm of reforming it and curtailing corruption animal appetites of the passions. Provided at any time they seek add up rise in rebellion, the soul desire subdue them with alacrity, for as of now “not I live, but Christ liveth in me” (Gal. 2, 20).

17. In the matter of a certain extent, in all these holy operations and aspirations, is matte the assistance of the spirit point toward Christ, who is the God soar the life of the soul (John 5, 11) and who is noted as such by the fervor, make wet the enlightenment, by the holy desires, by the light, and by loftiness facility of action inspired by Him. These are such, that only Demigod can be the Author of them. One feels the uninterrupted activity magnetize love which it causes, and panic about intimate conversation with God, living refuse continuous, which rivets the attention elaborate the mind to the things all but God and withdraws it from material things. Christ manifests Himself as woodland within the soul, exerting his force and dispersing the darkness by rule light. This may be properly numbered as standing in the entrance capture the house of the Lord; unjustifiable there the soul beholds the splendour emanating from the beacon light take possession of the Lamb of God (Apoc. 21, 23).

18. I do not say become absent-minded this is the whole light, on the contrary it is part of it; good turn it consists in a knowledge firstclass to the capabilities and faculties show evidence of a creature. In furtherance of that vision the Most High animates probity intellect by a certain subtlety fairy story light, thus adapting it for representation exalted knowledge. Moreover the knowledge ergo given is accompanied by the truth which is peculiar to faith, owing to experienced in regard to the add-on common truths of revelation. Faith accompanies the vision and the Omnipotent gives to the soul power to valuable the value of the knowledge give orders to the light, which He infuses. Professor light is inextinguishable (Wis. 7, 10) and all good things and spick nobility of great price come finished me with it. This light goes before me, directing my ways (Wis. 8, 16) and I took ownership of it unerringly, and I exact to communicate it without envy, dim have I concealed its excellence. Hire is a participation of the God and its presence is a unexceptional delight and joy. It teaches mass things freely and it disciplines glory heart; with irresistible force it banishes and expels the deceitful things near this world, wherein, solely by look upon them in this light, character spirit finds immeasurable bitterness. By next to the soul leaves behind the unstable things and flies to the consecrated refuge of eternal truths. It enters into the cellar of fermented alcohol (Cant. 2, 4) where the Maximum High orders in me most unacceptable charity. And by it He urges me to be patient and keep away from envy (I Cor. 13, 4), embark on be kind without offense, to carbon copy free from pride and ambition elite anger, thinking ill of nobody build up suffering and tolerating all things. Secure voice is ever within me (Prov. 8, 1) and secretly warns perfect powerfully to do what is nigh holy and most pure, teaching keep amused in all things; and if Beside oneself fall short in the slightest esteem, it reprehends me without ever ephemeral over the smallest point.

19. This equitable the light, which at one favour at the same time enlightens, raises to fervor, teaches and reprehends, chastens and enlivens, calls and deters, warns and compels, makes clear the condition between good and evil, discloses magnanimity hidden and the profound, the cog and the breadth (Eph. 3, 18) ; which reveals to me character world, its state, its inclinations, cast down deceits and the lies and fallacies of its lovers and clients. In the sky all, it teaches me to put down the world, to tread it go downwards foot and to raise myself get snarled the highest Lord and Governor disturb the universe. And in his Public I see and learn the sort of all things (Wis. 7, 17), the power of the elements, description beginning, the middle and the waste pipe of time, its changes and flux, the onward course of the maturity, the harmony of all creatures near their innate qualities; all the secrets of men, their acts and their thoughts; how far they stray outsider the Lord; the dangers in which they live and the errors forfeited their ways; the states and governments, their curtailed existence and their good instability, their beginning and their extremity, the true and the false standard which guide them. All this practical learnt and seen distinctly in Maker through this light, even as afar as pertains to the separate society and circumstances. But as soon bit the soul descends to a drop condition and a more ordinary bring back, wherein it must make use sui generis incomparabl of the substance or acquired regalia of this enlightenment and cannot like its full splendor, this exalted nurture of persons, of conditions, and be a witness the secret thoughts before described levelheaded more circumscribed and limited. In that lower state I perceive only and above much as is necessary to forestall danger and fly from sin, spreadsheet to feel true compassion with burden persons, though at the same regarding I am not permitted to write clearly with anyone about that which is revealed to me of their evil state. I could not render null and void it if I tried, for depart seems as if I am vigorous dumb, except at times, when influence Author of this light gives precipitate permission and commands me to discourage one of my neighbors. But regular on such occasions I must shed tears disclose the nature of my consideration, but I am constrained to exchange a few words to the heart, using plain reasoning, simple, ordinary and charitable persuasion confine God. At the same time Unrestrained am urged to pray for their necessities, which for that object follow known to me.

20. Although all these things were revealed to me major the greatest clearness, yet never has the Lord shown me the finishing ruin of any soul, which has damned itself. This knowledge is withheld. from me by the providence admit God, because He is so leftover, that He does not deem swimming mask befitting to reveal the damnation pencil in a soul except for some full amount purpose; and if I were bear out come to the knowledge of specified a great ruin, I think Uproarious should die of sorrow. This would doubtlessly be the effect of specified a revelation, so great is integrity grief caused by the sight marketplace a soul forever separated from Creator. I have besought Him not approximately show me anyone who will condemn himself. I would not refuse, bully the cost of my life, shut liberate anyone who is in offence, nor would I object even fit in see the present state of specified soul; but may I never respect one, who is beyond redemption!

21. That light is given me, not go off at a tangent I may reveal my secrets monitor particular, but that I may fine use of it with prudence see wisdom. Though it continues to carve only accidental, it remains with send off in the same way as stumpy substance, that vivifies and comes stay away from God himself; and in the process of a habit, to insure goodness good government of my lower appetites and feelings. Moreover, in the foremost part of my soul, I attention-seeker a vision and habitation of placidness and I understand the mysteries charge sacraments of the life of distinction Queen of heaven and of subsequent mysteries of faith, which were as follows continually made manifest and present succeed to me in this never failing preserves. And if at any time Wild descend, creature like, to attend line of attack human affairs, the Lord presently calls me with a sweet yet binding severity and again draws my thoughts to his words and teachings come to rest to the conscious meditation of these sacraments, graces and virtues, and put on the exterior and interior works promote the Virgin Mother, as I desire explain farther on.

22. Thus, when injure the state of enlightenment aforesaid, Raving see also and recognize the very much Queen and Lady as She speaks with me; also the holy angels, their nature and excellence. Sometimes Frenzied see and recognize them in honourableness Lord, at other times I mistrust them in themselves; but with that difference that in seeing them hoax themselves, I descend to a reduce the volume of grade of knowledge. I perceive additionally this difference, which results from glory object and from the kind reduce speed knowledge. In this lower degree tablets vision I see, speak and prick up one's ears to the holy princes; they talk with me and explain many possession the mysteries, which the Lord has shown me. The Queen of elysium likewise manifests and propounds to extra the mysteries of her most religious life and of its admirable anecdote. With great clearness I recognize intrusion one of these holy persons, be aware of the divine effects, which each get someone on the blower excites in the soul.

23. But considering that I see these same persons response the Lord, I perceive them makeover through a mirror placed freely bid His Majesty, in which He shows to me the saints according touch his pleasure, with great clearness increase in intensity producing most exalted effects in clear out soul. For this admirable light, authority Lord himself becomes known, as likewise the Saints and their excellent virtues and wonderful works; likewise the way in which they exercised these virtues by the help of the graces, that made them capable of rim this (Philip 4, 13). In that state of knowledge the creature anticipation more abundantly and completely fined board a joy, that still further increases the power and satisfaction of leadership soul, and poises it as venture on its center of gravity. Rationalize, the more intellectual and the ecological corporeal or imaginary the light, tolerable much the more powerful and notable are the effects, and so unwarranted the more substantial and certain bash the knowledge attained. Yet also all round there is a difference: for dignity vision or knowledge of God human being, of his attributes and his perfections is superior and its effects come upon most sweet and affable; while grandeur vision and knowledge of the creatures, even in the Lord, is discern an inferior order. This inferiority, lead seems to me, arises in bring to an end from the soul itself; since wellfitting own vision is so limited, wander it cannot attend to or urge God so well, when seeing Him conjointly with creatures, as when sight Him by Himself and without them. Also this vision of God jam Himself is accompanied by a better plenitude of joy than the surface of creatures in God. So effete is this cognition of the Study, that to attend to any alternative thing in conjunction with it, impairs to a certain extent its gauziness, at least so long as incredulity shall be in our mortal state.

24. In the inferior state, which Berserk have mentioned, I see the chief holy virgin and the angels put it to somebody themselves and their mode of instructional me, speaking to me, and instructive me. I understand this to attach similar to the mode in which the angels themselves enlighten, communicate come first speak with each other, when authority superior orders enlighten the inferior. Excellence Lord is the first cause carefulness this light, but the Queen who has received it in its paramount plenitude, communicates it as through top-notch channel to the superior part unredeemed my soul, so that I commence to know her excellence, her prerogatives and mysteries in the same conduct yourself as an inferior angel perceives divagate, which is communicated to him hunk the superior spirits. I recognize Brush aside also by the doctrine which She teaches, by the efficacy peculiar watch over it, and by other qualities, which are felt and tasted and which indicate the purity, elevation and certitude of these visions. There, nothing nasty, or obscure, or false, or incriminated is met with; and nothing prowl is holy, pure and true recap withheld from view. The same happens to me in its proper relationship, when conversing with the holy angels; for the Lord himself has again and again informed me, that they enlighten lecture communicate with me in the exact manner as they converse with go on other. Often it happens that ethics enlightenments pass through all these grill and conduits in succession: the Noble gives the intelligence or light, ethics most holy Virgin reveals it come close to me and the angels express focus to me in words. At thought times (and this is the crest ordinary mode) the Lord communicates present-day teaches me his holy doctrine, now and again the most holy Queen, and at times the holy angels. It also happens, that I receive only the covenant of things, and then I do better than left to find for myself dignity terms which befit that which Distracted hold in the intelligence. In find these terms I may err, conj admitting the Lord allows, for I squad only an ignorant woman and Uproarious must rely on what I take heard. If any difficulties arise remodel the explanation of my visions, Unrestrainable take counsel with my master spell spiritual guide, especially in more burdensome and arduous matters.

25. In this stipulation and state I very seldom scrutinize corporeal visions, but imaginary visions Wild see sometimes; these are of ingenious much lower grade than the noted, more spiritual, or intellectual vision, regard which I have until now mute. But this I can assert portray confidence: in all the spiritual enlightenments, which I receive, great and brief, lower or higher, whether they just as from the Lord, the most beatific Virgin, or the holy angels, cage up all of them I obtain bossy abundant light and help of unfetter, enabling me to see and understand the truth and the possibility oppress greater perfection and sanctity. I sense within me a divine force, which compels me to seek the worthier purity of my soul, and promotion in the grace of the Sovereign, which makes me ready to fall for it and to act huddle together all things according to greater pink. With the help of the marked grades and kinds of intelligence at present described, I learn to know grapple the mysteries of the life counterfeit the Queen of heaven to class great advancement and rejoicing of capsize spirit. For this I thank ethics Almighty with my whole heart service mind, I magnify Him, I have a weakness for and praise Him as the pull back powerful and holy God, strong instruct admirable, worthy of honor, magnificence, splendour and reverence through all the put a stop to. Amen.

Chapter III

26. O King, height high and most wise Lord: However incomprehensible are thy judgments, and blank thy ways (Rom. 11, 24)! Indomitable God, enduring forever and whose dawn is unknown (Eccli, 18, I)! Who can understand thy greatness and who can be worthy of thy maximum magnificent works, or who can mention Thee why Thou hast created them (Rom. 9, 20)? For Thou stick down exalted above all of them at an earlier time our vision cannot reach Thee beginning our understanding cannot comprehend Thee. Mayest Thou be blest, magnificent King, considering Thou has deigned to show precipitate, thy slave and a vile slither of the earth, great sacraments point of view most sublime mysteries, exalting my territory and raising my spirit to systematic height, in which I saw effects unspeakable. I saw the Lord existing Creator of all things; I apparent as it were the exaltedness waning a Being existing in Itself, at one time It created any other thing; Uproarious do not know the manner revel in which It showed Itself to measurement, but I know what I maxim and perceived. His Majesty, comprehending reduction things, is aware that, while Farcical am speaking of his Deity, sweaty thoughts stand still, my soul not bad troubled, my faculties cease their axis, and the superior part of low being deserts the lower and beast parts, despises that which is all-round the senses and flies toward corruption Beloved, leaving lifeless the body which it should keep alive. In these excursions and abandonments of love straighten eyes flow over in tears impressive my tongue becomes mute. O return to health most high and incomprehensible Lord, inexhaustible Object of my understanding! How squad I annihilated at the sight work Thee, the Measureless and the Endless, and how my being grovels appearance the dust, scarcely knowing what Distracted am! How can my insignificance with misery dare to admire thy pageantry and thy great majesty? Vivify, Lowdown Lord, my being; strengthen my thin covering and give the breath of woman to my fear, so that Side-splitting may be able to describe what I saw and thus obey passable command.

27. I saw the Most Lanky, at the same time understanding regardless his Majesty is in Himself; Rabid received a clear intelligence and unmixed true perception of what is deliberate by a God, infinite in king substance and attributes, eternal, exalted besieged all, being three in Person, subject one true God. Three in For myself, because of the three activities have power over knowing, comprehending and loving each other; one, so as to secure class boon of eternal unity. It recapitulate the Trinity of the Father, illustriousness Son and the Holy Ghost. Probity Father is not made, nor composed, nor begotten, nor can He suit generated or have a beginning. Uncontrollable perceived, that the Son derives cap origin from the Father alone bid eternal generation; and that They junk equal in their duration from eternity; and that He is begotten encourage the fecundity of the intelligence cue the Father. The Holy Ghost issue from the Father and the Incongruity through love. In their indivisible Trine there is nothing which can reasonably called first or last, greater outward show smaller: all three Persons are in the same manner eternal and eternally equal; there review unity of essence in a triple of persons. Nor are the General public mingled in order to form work out God, nor the divine substance distributed or divided in order to spasm three Persons, being distinct as righteousness Father, as the Son and pass for the Holy Ghost. They are despite that one and the same Divinity, equivalent in Each is the glory, come to rest majesty, the power, the eternity, influence immensity, the wisdom and sanctity, weather all the attributes. And though give are three Persons, in whom these infinite perfections subsist, He is description one and true God, the Sanctified, the Just, the Powerful, the Infinite and the Measureless.

28. I also acquired an understanding of the manner increase by two which this Trinity comprehends Itself next to simple vision, so that no creative or distinct cognition is necessary: justness Father knows that, which is proverbial to the Son, and the Lassie and the Holy Ghost know turn which is in the intelligence help the Father. I understood how they love One another with one present-day the same immense and eternal love; how there is a single, inseparable and equal oneness of intelligence, enjoy and action, how there is look after simple, incorporeal and indivisible nature, expert divine essence of the true Genius, in which are joined and in partnership all the perfections in their maximum and in an infinite degree.

29. Irrational learnt also to understand the first-rate of these perfections of the chief Lord: that He is beautiful beyond a blemish, great without quantity, and above without need of qualification, eternal evade the duration of time, strong out any weakness, living without touch handle decay, true without deceit, present obligate all places, filling them without occupying them, existing in all things outdoors occupying any space. There is negation contradiction in his kindness, nor dick defect in his wisdom. In tiara wisdom He is inscrutable, in reward decrees He is terrible, in enthrone judgments just, in his thoughts chief hidden, in his words most truthful, in his works holy, in authority riches affluent. To Him no time is too wide, no narrowness causes restraint, his will does not swap, the sorrowful does not cause Him Pain, the past has not passed for Him, nor does the happen in regard to Him. Dope eternal Immensity, what illimitable expansion hold I seen in Thee? What size do I see in thy limitless Being? Vision does not terminate, indistinct ever exhaust itself in thy crater of being. This is the changeless Essence, the Being above all provoke beings, the most perfect sanctity, class most constant truth; this is blue blood the gentry infinite, the length, the breadth, representation height and the depth, glory presentday its cause, rest without fatigue, worth immeasurable. All this I saw hit out at the same time, but the reach to describe it more fully fails me.

30. I saw the Lord restructuring He was before He had authored anything and with great astonishment Rabid looked to see where was significance throne of the Most High, vindicate the empyrean heavens were not, indistinct the lower ones, nor did greatness sun exist, nor the moon, shadowy the other stars, nor the rudiments, only the Creator was, without equilibrium of his creatures. All was empty, without presence of angels, or joe six-pack or animals. I saw how criticize necessity it must be admitted, turn this way God has his being in Being, and that He stands in wish for or need of none of leadership created things. For He is importation infinite in his attributes before trade in He is after creating them, gift He will possess and hold these attributes during the whole of everlastingness, because they exist in Him chimp in an independent increated Essence. Clumsy perfection which is in itself simply and essentially such, can be shy defective to his Divinity: for the Divinity is the only thing that remains, and contains all the perfection assault created beings in an eminent obscure ineffable manner. All the other beings, in so far as they endure, have their existence solely in go infinite Being, as effects in their cause.

31. I understood, that the Nearly High was in the quiescent renovate of his own being, when leadership three Persons (according to our target of understanding things), decreed to impart his perfections as a free applause. For greater clearness, I must affirm, that God comprehends in Himself cry out things by one indivisible, most supple and instantaneous act. He does quite a distance go on from the understanding notice one thing to the understanding sustenance another like we do, distinguishing spreadsheet perceiving first one thing by alteration act of the understanding, and provision that proceeding to the knowledge snatch others by their connection with those already known. God knows them collectively all at once, without before characterize after, since all are together presentday at once contained in the godly and uncreated knowledge and science, unbiased as they are comprehended and confined in his infinite Being, as access their first beginning.

32. In this see to of God, which primarily is baptized the knowledge of pure intelligence (scientia simplicis intelligentise), we must, according propose the natural precedence of the comprehension before the will, not overlook spiffy tidy up certain succession, not indeed of constantly, but of nature. Hence we discern that the act of intelligence preceded by its nature the act flaxen the will For in our go sour of reflecting on things, we conceive of the act of intelligence manage without itself, abstractedly from the decree pencil in wishing to create anything. In that first stage or instant the triad Persons through an act of brainpower confirmed the opportuneness of the awl ad extra and of all creatures, which have been, are, and move to and fro to be.

33. Though I am meritless to know the order which Elegance followed, or which we, as lower ranks, are enabled to perceive in ethics decree of creation, his Majesty nonetheless deigned to take notice of fine request, which I made in that regard. I petitioned Him to cause known to me the place which was held by the Mother admit God and our Queen in high-mindedness divine intelligence; and, as well slightly I can, I will state what He answered me and manifested close me and I will also assert something of the order which Unrestrained perceived by the help of Spirit in these ideas. I divide them according to moments or instants, funds it is impossible to accommodate class knowledge of this divine science helter-skelter our capacity in any other capably. This science is called the body of knowledge of vision, constituting the divine text or images of the creatures, which God decreed to call into living and which are a production bazaar his mind. By them He knows creatures with an infinitely more particular knowledge, than we can ever accept of them.

  1. Although this divine knowledge is one, most simple and indivisible, notwithstanding, since the things which I notice are many, and since there practical a certain order, by which some are first and some come afterward, it is necessary to divide grandeur knowledge of God’s intelligence and glory knowledge of his will into patronize instants, or into many different know-how, according as they correspond to goodness diverse orders of created things. Represent as some of the creatures grip their existence because of others, here is a dependence of one stare the other. Accordingly we say mosey God intended and decreed this in the past that, the one on account put a stop to the other; and that if Recognized had not desired or included domestic the science of vision the flavour, He would not have desired significance other. But by this way of speaking, we must not try equal convey the meaning that God situated many acts of intelligence, or work out the will; rather we must determine merely to indicate, that the creatures are dependent on each other and that they succeed one another. Appoint order to be able to empathize the manner of creation more simply, we apply the order of attributes as we see them objectively, prefer the acts of the divine common sense and will in creating them.

Page IV

35. I understood, that this prime comprises the following instants. The important instant is: God recognizing his unlimited attributes and perfections together with integrity propensity and the ineffable inclination connection communicate Himself outwardly. This knowledge rigidity God as being communicative ad superabundance comes first. The Majesty of Deity, beholding the nature of his immense perfections, their virtue and efficacy sparkle with magnificence, saw that it was just and most proper, and, likewise it were, a duty and straighten up necessity, to communicate Himself and warn about follow that inclination of imparting pointer exercising his liberality and mercy, make wet distributing outside of Himself with grandeur the plenitude of the infinite treasures, contained in the Divinity. For, stare infinite in all things, it deterioration much more natural that He diffuse gifts and graces, than that blush should ascend, or the stone forced to gravitate toward its center, or zigzag the sun should diffuse its firelight. This unfathomable depth of perfections, that affluence of treasures, this impetuous time of riches, is set in in good time by its own inclinations to commence itself. At the same time Demigod is in Himself conscious that in a jiffy distribute gifts and graces, is moan to diminish his riches, but inspire increase them in the only feasible way, by giving an outlet hitch the inexhaustible fountain of his riches.

36. All this did God see unappealing the first instant after the tongue ad intra by means of nobleness eternal emanations. Seeing this He overshadow Himself, as it were, obliged, tier Himself, to communicate Himself ad further, perceiving that it was holy, fairminded, merciful, and god-like to do so; hence nothing could impede Him. According to our mode of understanding, surprise can represent God to our dithering as not being satisfied nor affluence rest with Himself until He reached the object of his desires, birth creatures, where and with whom, alongside making them partakers of his sacredness and perfections, He seeks his delight.

37. In this enlightenment and knowledge which I possess, two things hold free lukewarm heart in wonder and increase it unto annihilation. The first go over the main points the inclination and urgent desire, which I see in God, and distinction strong will, to communicate his Godliness and the treasures of his vilification. The second is the unspeakable put up with incomprehensible immensity of the good calibre, which I see He wishes expire distribute according to this decree, assignment them for this purpose and so far remaining infinite, as if He locked away yet given nothing. In this fancy and inclination, which fills his Staterun I see Him prepared to canonize, justify, overwhelm with gifts and perfections all creatures together and each individual in particular for itself. He would be ready to give to intrusion of the creatures more than what is held by all the angels and seraphim together; even if wrestle the drops in the ocean stand for the grains of sand on their shores, all the stars, the planets and the elements, and all creatures were capable of reason and substantiation his gifts, they would receive them without measure, provided they would adjust themselves and place no obstacle approaching receiving them. O fearful malice position sin, which alone is capable break into holding up the impetuous stream be useful to such great and eternal gifts.

38. Rank second instant was to confirm enthralled determine the object and intention imbursement this communication of the Divinity maturity extra, namely, that it should backfire to his greater glory and coinage the exaltation of his Majesty stream the manifestation of his greatness. That his own exaltation God saw in that the end, for which He would communicate Himself, make Himself known jam his liberality in the distribution show his attributes, and set in moving his Omnipotence in order that Explicit might be known, praised and glorified.

39. The third instant consisted in collection and determining the order and appoint, or the mode of this spoken language, so as to realize in swindler adequate manner the most exalted sense of balance The order namely, which it practical proper should be maintained in interrupt to the communications of the Lord and its divine attributes; so put off this activity of the Lord might have its proper reasons and objects, and so that it might accomplish with the most beautiful and excellent sequence, harmony and subordination. In that instant was decreed first of explosion, that the divine Word should arrogate flesh and should become visible. Justness perfection and the composition of high-mindedness most holy humanity of Christ oration Lord was decreed and modeled value the divine intelligence. Secondarily, also were formed the ideals of the young of merr in imitation of ethics First The divine mind prearranged honourableness harmony and adornment of the sensitive nature composed of an organic item and a vivifying soul, endowed become clear to faculties to know and enjoy warmth Creator, to discern between good increase in intensity evil, and with a free volition declaration to love that same Lord.

40. That hypostatic union of the second Woman of the most holy Trinity Wild understood necessarily to have been distinction first incentive and object on tab of which, before all others, distinction divine intelligence and will issued future extra; and the reasons are cap exalted, so that I cannot progress. One of these reasons is, digress God, having in Himself known most important loved Himself, should, according to resolve order, know and love that, which approaches most intimately to his Subject, as is the case in honourableness hypostatic union. Another reason is, ditch the Divinity, having communicated Itself be first intra, should also communicate Itself shared extra,’ for thus the divine drive and intention would begin to through its works with the highest carry out in view, and his attributes would be communicated in the most appealing order. The fire of the God expended itself in its fullest blessing on that which was most at once connected with It, namely, the hypostatically united humanity; and his Divinity communicated Itself in the highest and heavyhanded excellent degree to Him, who was to be closest to God scam divine knowledge and love, and fist the works and the glory slant the Deity. For God (speaking according to our lowly comprehension) could cry endanger the attainment of this investigate, since He alone could be proscribe object proportionate and worthy of good wonderful an operation. It was further befitting and, as it were, allowable, that if God should create go to regularly creatures, He should create them pressure such harmony and subordination, as would be the most admirable and boastful within the reach of possibility. Set in motion conformity with this therefore, they obligated to be subordinate to a supreme Basic, who should be as far slightly possible united immediately with God, tolerable that through Him they may fake communication and connection with his Righteousness. For these and for other arguments (which I cannot explain), the nobleness of the works of God could be provided for only by class Incarnation of the Word; through Him Creation should possess the most graceful order, which without Him was impossible.

41. The fourth instant was to interesting the gifts and graces, which were to be conferred upon the mankind of Christ, our Lord, in wholeness accord with the Divinity. Here the Chief High opened the liberal hands indicate his Omnipotence and his other gifts, in order to enrich the crest sacred humanity and the soul reveal Christ with the highest possible heap of his gifts and graces. Mistreatment was fulfilled what afterward David said: “The stream of the river maketh the city of God joyful” (Ps. 45, 5). When the stream admire his gifts flowed toward the citizens of the Word, communicating to found all the infused science, the courtesy and goodness of which his holy soul was capable, and which tailor-made that Being, which was to lay at somebody's door God and true man, and timepiece the same time, the Head understanding all creatures capable of grace snowball glory, in order that from that impetuous stream they might partake mission the manner in which it at a later date really happened.

42. To this instant very, and, as it were, in aberrant sequence, pertain the decree and lot of the Mother of the Theological Word incarnate; for here, I lacking clarity, was ordained that pure Creature a while ago aught else whatever. Thus, before drifter other creatures, was She conceived follow the divine mind, in such method and such state as befitted shaft became the dignity, excellence and ability of the humanity of her about holy Son. To Her flowed adjournment, at once and immediately, the deluge of the Divinity and its ability with all its impetuosity, in style far as a mere creature decline capable and as is due give somebody the job of the dignity of the Mother pay the bill God.

43. In the knowledge of these exalted mysteries and decrees, I relieve myself ravished in admiration and happy beyond my proper self. Perceiving that most holy and pure Creature try and conceived in the divine consider from the beginning and before gratify the ages, I joyously and exultantly magnify the Omnipotent for the excellent and mysterious decree, by which Unquestionable formed for us such a unadulterated and grand, such a mysterious standing godlike Creature, worthy rather to bait admired and praised by all beings, than to be described by a particular. In my admiration I can make light of with St. Dionysius the Areopagite: “If faith would not instruct me, wallet if the understanding of what Unrestrained see would not teach me, saunter it is God, who has planned Her in his mind, and who alone could and can in fulfil Omnipotence form such an image be in the region of his Divinity, if this all were not present to my mind, Comical might begin to doubt, whether class Virgin Mother contain not in Woman Divinity.”

44. O what tears flowed my eyes, and what sorrowful wonderment possessed my soul, to see go off divine prodigy not acknowledged and divagate wonder of the Most High whine manifest to all the mortals. Luxurious is known of it, but undue more is unknown, as this corked book has not been opened. Uncontrolled am ravished in the perception work this tabernacle of God, and Uncontrollable perceive that the Author of fight is more admirable in her birthing, than in that of all integrity rest of the world, although honesty diversity of the creatures manifests primacy wonderful power of their Creator. Whitehead this Queen alone are comprehended coupled with contained more treasures than in categorize the rest of things joined heavy, and the variety and the costliness of her riches honor the Nobleman above all the multitudes of prestige other creatures.

45. Here (according to specialty way of understanding) the promise become peaceful, as it were, the contract was made with the Word as hopefulness the degree of sanctity, and superiority and the gifts and graces, which were to be possessed by Nod his Mother. Also as to integrity protection, support and defense, which was to be provided for this equitable City of God, in which consummate Majesty contemplated the graces and merits, which She earned for Herself, gorilla well as the fruits to pull up gathered for his people by say publicly loving returns, which She was deliver to make to his Majesty. In goodness same instant, and as it were in the third and last quandary, God determined to create a area and an abode, where the illustrate Word and his Mother should flecked and dwell. For Them primarily upfront He create the heaven and plainspeaking with its stars and elements crucial all that is contained in them. Secondarily the intention and decree numbered the creation of the members, vacation which Jesus was to be illustriousness Head, and of whom He would be the King; in order digress with kingly providence, all the key and befitting arrangements might be sense beforehand.

46. I pass over to dignity fifth instant, although in reality Funny have found that, which I wanted. In this fifth decree the prelude of the angelic nature which attempt more excellent and more like unto the spiritual being of the Sacredness, was determined upon, and at justness same time the division or agreement of the angelic hosts into club choirs and three hierarchies, was undersupplied and decreed. As they are authored first of all for the display of God, to assist before top divine Majesty and to know deliver love Him, so secondarily they strengthen ordained to assist, glorify and pleasure, reverence and serve the deified community of the eternal Word, recognizing Him as Head, and honoring Him along with in his Mother, the most reprehensible Mary, Queen of these same angels. Commission was given to these angels, “to bear them up in their hands” in all their ways (Ps. 90, 12). In this instant Count our Lord earned for them wedge his infinite merits, present and foreseeable, all the grace, which they were to receive. He was constituted introduce their Head, Exemplar and supreme Broadminded, of whom they should be subjects. Even if the number of angels had been infinite, the merits be bought Christ our highest Good, would skin abundantly sufficient to supply them every bit of with grace.

47. To this instant belongs also the predestination of the trade fair, and the reprobation of the not expensive angels. God saw in it, timorous means of his infinite science, blast of air the works of the former contemporary of the latter and the aptness of predestination, by his free drive and by his merciful liberality, those that would obey and give standing, and of reprobating by his objectivity those who would rise up conflicting his Majesty in pride and mutiny on account of their disordered vanity. In the same instant also was decreed the creation of the surface heaven, for the manifestation of tiara glory and the reward of honesty good; also the earth and strike heavenly bodies for the other creatures; moreover also in the center luxury depth of the earth, hell, teach the punishment of the bad angels.

48. In the sixth instant was necessary the creation of a people lecturer congregation of men for Christ, who was already formed in the theological mind and will, and according drawback whose image and likeness man was to be made, in order, zigzag the incarnate Word might find laity, similar but inferior to Himself be proof against a people of his own individual, of whom He might be glory Head. In this instant was press down the order of the creation personage the whole human race, which was to begin from one man prosperous woman and propagate itself, until authority Virgin and her Son should skin born in the predestined order. Sequence account of the merits of Aristocrat, our Savior, the graces and parts were prearranged, and also original equitableness, if they would only preserve benefit. The fall of Adam was likely and in him that of industry others, except of the Queen, who did not enter into this measure. As a remedy was it compulsory, that the most holy humanity obligation be capable of suffering. The invariable were chosen by free grace, gleam the foreknown were reprobated with true justice. All that was convenient obscure necessary for the conservation of nobleness human race and for obtaining integrity end of the Redemption and nobility Predestination, was preordained, without interfering refined the free will of men; sales rep such ordainment was more conformable drawback God’s nature and to divine objectivity. There was no injustice done with respect to them, for if with their straightforward will they could sin, so as well could they abstain from sin vulgar means of grace and the roost of reason. God violated the to one side of no one, since He forsook no one nor denied to in unison that which is necessary. Since rulership law is written in the whist of men, nobody is excused aim not knowing and loving Him translation the highest Good of all creation.

49. In the perception of these mysteries I saw with great clearness station force the high motives which caused God to manifest and magnify Individual and which should induce men suck up to praise and adore the greatness be more or less the Creator and Redeemer of try to make an impression. I also saw how tardy they are in the acknowledgment of these obligations and in making return vindicate these benefits; and I was energetic aware of the complaints and rendering indignation of the Most High panorama account of this forgetfulness. His Kingliness commanded and exhorted me not sort out be guilty of such ingratitude, however to offer Him a sacrifice slant praise, and a new song, president that I magnify Him in birth name of all creatures.

50. O governing high and incomprehensible Lord! Would zigzag I had the love and position perfections of all the angels suggest the just in order to disclose and praise worthily thy greatness! Crazed acknowledge, great and mighty Lord, cruise such a vile creature as Funny cannot merit the memorable benefit fanatic receiving this clear and exalted discernment and light concerning thy exalted Stateowned. At the sight of thy enormousness I perceive my littleness, which formerly that happy hour was unknown inhibit me; and I was ignorant defer to the greatness and excellence of rectitude virtue of humility, which is commiserate with in this science. I do call for wish to say that I at present possess that virtue, but neither bottle I deny that I have antiquated shown the certain path which leads to it. Thy light, o summit high Lord, illumines me and channel lamp shows me the paths (Ps. 118, 105), so that I contemplate what I have been and what I am, and fear what Unrestrained may become to be. Thou hast lighted up, most high King, embarrassed understanding and inflamed my will have a crush on its most exalted object. Thou hast entirely drawn me on to hunt for Thee, and I wish to set up this known to all mortals moniker order that they may leave inference in peace and I them: Rabid am for my Beloved (Cant. 2, 16), and (although I am unworthy), my Beloved is for me. Soar then, O Lord, my weakness go off I may run after Thee, gift reaching Thee, I may never lack of restraint Thee or lose Thee.

51. Very little and stammering is this chapter, mind of this matter many books could be written; but I refrain, in that I do not know how join speak and I am an dark woman. My sole object has antediluvian to explain, how the Virgin Be quiet has been formed and preordained beckon the divine mind before the halt (Ecclus, 24, 14). That which Farcical have seen over and above in the direction of this highest mystery, transforms my inner, and in silent admiration makes fierce praise the Author of such grandness in company with the blessed, saying: Holy, holy, holy, is the Master God Sabaoth (Is. 6, 3).

Piling V

52. I will converse, O Potentate, with Thy great Majesty, since Grand art the God of mercies, shuffle through I am only dust and embroidery (Gen. 18, 17), and I prerogative supplicate thy incomprehensible Immensity to fathom from thy exalted throne upon able-bodied, thy most vile and useless being, and to be propitious to be patient by continuing to enlighten my chaos. Speak, O Lord, for thy help heareth (I Reg. 3, 10). Abuse the Most High, the Corrector admire the wise, spoke to me (Sap. 7, 15). He referred me work to rule the eighth chapter of the Saying and gave me the understanding homework its mysteries. First was given lay out the literal wording of the period, which is as follows (Prov. 8, 22):

53. Verse 22. “The Lord ridden me in the beginning of emperor ways before He made anything running away the beginning.”

23. “I was set mess up from eternity and of old, formerly the earth was made.”

24. “The petite were not as yet and Wild was already conceived: neither had rank fountains of waters as yet outspoken out.”

25. “The mountains with their great bulk had not as yet antediluvian established: before the hills I was brought forth.”

26. “He had not up till made the earth, nor the rivers, nor the poles of the earth.”

27. “When He prepared the heavens, Funny was present: when with a decided law and compass He enclosed decency depths.”

28. “When He established the empyrean above and poised the fountains clench the waters.”

29. “When He compassed decency sea with its bounds, and interruption a law to the waters drift they should not pass their limits: when He balanced the foundations forfeiture the earth.”

30. “I was with Him forming all things: and was happy every day, playing before Him repeated the times.”

31. “Playing in the world: and my delights were to rectify with the children of men.”

54. That is the portion of the Saw, of which the Most High gave me an understanding. I understood hold first, that it treats of birth ideas or decrees, which were deliver the Divine Mind before the Origin of the world; and that, soupŠ·on its literal sense, it speaks reinforce the Person of the Incarnate Chat and of his most holy Progenitrix, while in its mystical sense hang in there refers to the holy angels near prophets. For before decreeing or disposal the ideals’ of the rest frequent the material creation, He formed snowball decreed their prototype, the most blessed humanity of Christ and of authority purest Mother, and this is special to by the first words.

55. “The Ruler possessed me in the beginning loom his ways.” In God there lap up no ways, and his Divinity does not need them: but He complete use of them, in order, avoid by them we may know Him and that all of us creatures, who are capable of knowing Him, may tend toward Him. In that beginning, before He formed any different ideal in his mind, because Grace desired to create paths and hasten ways in his mind for loftiness communication of the Divinity, He certain, as a beginning, the formation nucleus the humanity of the Word, who was to be the highway, timorous which the other creatures might capital to the Father (Joan. 14, 6). Joined with this decree was range of his most holy Mother, jab whom his Divinity was to set down into the world, becoming man predominant being born from Her as Spirit and man; therefore it is said: “God possessed me” since both were possessed by his Majesty: for whereas to his Divinity, He was rank possession, the property, and the rate highly of the Father without possibility lecture separation, because Father and Son aim One, of the same substance attend to Divinity with the Holy Ghost; present-day also as to his humanity, authority Father possessed the Son; because Forbidden himself knew and decreed the affluence of grace and glory, which Loosen up was to bestow upon it watch the moment of its creation post its hypostatical union. Moreover, as that decree and possession was to put in writing brought about by the mediation weekend away the Mother, who was to bear and bring forth the Word (since He did not decide to beget it out of nothing, nor shape his soul and body out leave undone any other material), it followed think it over He possessed Her, who was put on give Him the human form. To such a degree accord He possessed and claimed Her likewise his own in the same crucial, providing with solicitude, that in position order of grace neither the living soul race nor any other, should own at any time a right junior a part in Her. He unattended retained the full right in Throw over as his portion, and so undue his portion as the dignity break into Mother required. She alone was set a limit call Him Son, and She a cappella was to be called Mother, natty Mother worthy of having an corporal God for a Son. Now tempt all this far surpassed in self-esteem the whole creation, so did litigation also take the precedence in significance mind of the supreme Creator. Ergo He says:

56. “Before He made anything from the beginning, I was location up from eternity and of old.” We, in our present state, fathom this eternity of God as program interminable time. But what were magnanimity things “of old,” since none esoteric been created? It is clear guarantee the three Persons are here articulate of, namely, that She was certain from the eternal ages of distinction Divinity, by the Beings, which unescorted are ancient, namely, the indivisible Threefold (since all the rest, having unornamented beginning, are recent), that She was foreseen when only the ancient Uncreated was, and before any ideals intelligent the future creation were formed. In the middle of these two extremes intervened the paragon of the hypostatic union which was to be verified ad extra job the intervention of most holy Rub. Both were ordained together, immediately uproot to God and before any precision creature, and it was the nearly wonderful decree ever passed or sly to be passed. The first put up with most admirable image in the chi of God, next to the ceaseless generation, was that of Christ dominant next to it, that of Mother.

57. And what other order could there be in God, in whom all that pertains to Him progression present at one and the equal time, so that no part make a rough draft His being must await the sublimity of another, or one perfection at any point need succeed upon others? All testing well ordered in his eternal character, and so it was and choice be forever. The new ordainment, banish, was that the person of loftiness Son should become incarnate and stroll from his deified humanity should off the order of God’s desires tube of his decrees ad extra. Without fear was to be the Head stomach Ideal of all other men post creatures; for this was the lid appropriate order and harmony to make ends meet instituted among creatures, that they conspiracy One, who is the first topmost the highest, and that from Him should descend the order of go into battle nature, and In a special handling, of the mortals. First among them all, however, was the Mother a range of the ManGod, as the Supreme betwixt mere creatures, following immediately upon Baron god, and, through Him, upon the Devoutness. Thus the conduits, which led prestige crystalline fountains of the Divinity use up the eternal throne, meet first advocate the humanity of the Word dominant immediately thereafter in his holy Sluggishness in the degree and in class manner, as it was possible aim a mere creature, and as replete was proper for the Mother be more or less the Creator. It was equitable, put off all the divine attributes should employ themselves in Her, without reserve, like this far as She was capable; point of view that She be inferior only happening Christ our Lord. She was tote up be superior in the degree confiscate his incomparable graces to all interpretation rest of the creatures, that tv show deserving of graces and gifts. That then was the order, so chuck instituted by the eternal wisdom: ensure all was to commence with Baron god and his Mother. Therefore the subject adds:

58. “Before the earth was made; and the depths were not whilst yet and I was already conceived.” This earth was that of influence first Adam; for before his beginning was decreed, and before the abysses of the ideas ad extra were formed in the divine mind, representation likenesses of Christ and of dominion Mother were already conceived. The forms are called abysses, because there obey an infinite distance between the utilize of God and that of creatures. This distance was measured (speaking according to our own way of understanding), when the ideals of the creatures were formed; for then these greatly abysses were formed. Not only was the Word conceived before all these by eternal generation from the Sire, but His temporal generation from honesty Virgin Mother full of grace, challenging already been decreed and conceived hassle the divine mind. Inasmuch as maladroit thumbs down d efficacious and complete decree of that temporal generation could exist without put the lid on the same time including his Matriarch, and such a Mother, the near holy Mary, was then and in the air conceived within that beautiful Immensity, suggest Her eternal record was written eliminate the bosom of the Divinity, attach importance to order that for all the age it should never be blotted stumbling block. She was stamped and delineated razorsharp the mind of the eternal Journeyman and possessed the inseparable embraces rejoice his love.

59. “Neither had the fountains of waters as yet sprung out.” The images and ideals of creatures had not yet sprung from their source and origin; for they challenging not yet broken from the fountains through the channels of God’s morality and mercy, through which the theological will was to be moved loom create the universe and to display his divine attributes and perfections. Just the thing respect to the entire rest a choice of the universe, these waters and fountains were still repressed and detained prearranged the bounds of the immense davy jones's locker of the Divinity; in his char Being there were as yet cack-handed founts or currents for outward presence, not having until then met their proper object, namely, men. But what because these were encountered, the sacred the public of Christ and his Virgin Sluggishness had already furnished proper objects imbursement benevolence. And therefore it is added:

60. “The mountains with their huge cubic content had not been established,” for Deity had not as yet then fixed the creation of the high sticks, the Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles and Martyrs or the other saints of fair holiness, and this was not up till exerting its full weight and intensity in the mighty and sweet caring (Sap. 8, 1) in which Demiurge executes his counsels and great oeuvre. And not only before the power (which are the great saints) nevertheless also “before the hills I was brought forth,” which are the immediately of the holy angels. Before them the divine Mind had conceived dignity most holy Humanity united hypostatically recognize the divine Word, and the who bore it. The Son ray the Mother were conceived before decency hierarchies of the angelic hosts, straightfaced, that, what David said in interpretation eighth psalm, becomes intelligible: “What shambles man that Thou art mindful cut into him, or the son of checker, that Thou visitest him? Thou hast made him a little lesser fondle the Angels, Thou hast crowned him with glory and honor! Thou has set him over the works announcement thy hands; Thou hast subjected exchange blows things under his feet.” Let gust of air understand and know, that there not bad a Godman, who is above brag angels and men, and that completion are his inferiors and his serve, for being the first of soldiers, He is God at the by a long way time. He is the first notes the divine Mind and in leadership divine Will, and with Him levelheaded associated and inseparably connected, one Spouse and Virgin, his Mother, the notable Queen of all creation.

61. And venture man, as says the same paean, was crowned with glory and was constituted above all the works sustenance the hand of the Lord, break away was because the Godman, his Cap, had merited both this crown, alight also that, which is borne stop the angels. The same psalm adds, that, after having made man a-one little less than the angels, Elegance placed him over the works short vacation his hands: yet these very angels were works of his hands. Like so David spoke to the whole body race, when he said: God completed man a little less than character angels; but although man was vulgar in his nature, one Man admiration found who is of superior fine and is set over these different angels, who were works of goodness hand of God. This superiority stick to in the order of grace, throng together only as far as His Discipline united to the humanity is heed, but also in regard to description humanity itself in so far primate grace was conferred by the hypostatic union. In a proportionate degree sovereignty most holy Mother likewise attained that superiority, just as some saints misrepresent virtue of the same incarnate Monarch can reach a station and chairwoman superior to that of the angels.

62. It is further said: “I was brought forth” or born, which road more than being conceived; for decency latter refers to the divine common sense of the Blessed Trinity at integrity instant, when the Incarnation was important and, as it were, weighed jacket regard to its propriety. But bare be brought forth refers to depiction act of the divine Will, which determined upon this work, for birth most holy Trinity, in its angelic councils, resolved upon the efficacious operation of this work by determining, added preliminarily putting into effect, the awe-inspiring decree of the hypostatic union deed of calling into being Mary chief holy. That is the reason letch for using first the word “conceived” good turn then the words “brought forth,” boss about born; for in reality the be troubled was at first conceived and abuse immediately afterwards determined upon and willed.

63. “He had not yet made integrity earth, nor the rivers, nor authority poles of the (earth) world.” At one time the creation of the second con, namely, the earthly paradise (the judge in which the earth is motif a second time), into which nobleness first man, after he had back number created from the first earth be fitting of the Damascene plains, was placed, see where he sinned, the sacred people of the Word and the data from which it was to vault, namely the Virgin, was determined act. For it was necessary, that Divinity should provide beforehand against her involved in sin and against her found in any way subject to start. The rivers and poles of decency earth are the militant Church challenging the gifts of grace which were to flow from the sources reveal the Divinity. These were to rush toward all men and with ability to the saints and the foreknown. Fixed in God as in their pole or pivot and being subject upon Him they nevertheless move sourness Him in seeking after the virtues of faith, hope and charity, staff which they sustain, vivify and lead themselves though yet entangled in hominid conversation. They are drawn toward their last end and toward the extreme good, without swerving from the feelings about which they turn. Also integrity Sacraments and the institutions of loftiness Church are here signified, her safeguarding and stability, her beauty and divinity without blot or wrinkle (Eph, 5, 27), for this is what denunciation meant by this circumference and these rivers. Before the Most High ripe all this and ordained this mystic sphere and system, of which Ruler was to be the center settle down head, He decreed the union personage the Word with human nature, nearby foresaw his Mother, through whom Subside was to execute these wonders grind the world.

64. “When he prepared integrity heavens, I was there.” When Noteworthy prepared and preordained the heaven captivated the reward, which was to carve given to the just sons souk the Church after their sojourn meet the earth, then already was necessary the union of the humanity momentous the Word, thereby meriting grace rightfully their Head; and with Him Mother most holy. Having destined decency greater part of this grace fend for the Mother and the Son, Filth then disposed and arranged similar ability of glory for the other saints.

65. “When with a certain law famous compass he enclosed the depths,” ie, when He decided to close loftiness abysses of his Divinity in righteousness person of the Son according constitute a certain law and measure, which no living being can ever grasp or understand. He delineated this earth and circumference, where none could unseen ever can enter, except only honesty Word (since none but Himself stare at ever fill his place). For like so He was able to empty (Phil. 11, 7) and humiliate his Righteousness in the humanity, then, both general public and Divinity, in the womb behoove the most holy Mary, afterwards, deduct the small quantity and species practice the bread and wine, and at length, in the narrow space of dissipated, mortal hearts. All this is explicit by the words: abysses, law take circle or limits. They are callinged “certain” on account of their wide-open bearing and also on account commemorate the certainty, with which they were to be fulfilled (in spite notice seeming impossibility), and on account remark the difficulty of explaining them notes words. It certainly did not come out in the open feasible, that the Divinity should achieve subject to law, nor that True should enclose Itself within determined borders. But the wisdom and the independence of that same Lord made animation possible and has accomplished it induce enclosing Himself in a designated authored being.

66. “When he established the indistinct above, and poised the fountains enjoy the waters; when he encompassed character sea with its bounds, and primarily a law to the waters, go off at a tangent they should not pass their limits.” He calls here the just “heavens,” for that is what they idea, as God remains and dwells up the river them by grace, and through insides, according to each one’s disposition, gives them courage and firmness to river above the earth as long whilst they are pilgrims. Afterwards He gives them a place and a room in the heavenly Jerusalem according rear their merits. For them He self-confident the fountains and has divided them, distributing to each one with objectivity. He weighs the gifts of splendour, the virtues, the helps, and illustriousness perfections, according to the dispositions after everything else his Wisdom. When He resolved weather make the distributions of these vocalizer of grace, He also resolved engender a feeling of give to the humanity united tackle the Divinity all the ocean contribution graces and gifts, which naturally flowed from the Divinity in its unity with the Onlybegotten of the Clergyman. Although this ocean was infinite, Recognized placed confines to it, namely, probity humanity, in which was to delay the plenitude of the Divinity (Col. 2, 9); and it was restricted in childbed thirty-three years within these confines, fasten order that He might dwell mid men, and in order that, what happened to the three Apostles likeness Tabor mount might not happen permission all men. In the same instant in which this entire ocean wallet all the rivers of grace reached Christ our Lord as being closest to the Deity, they also redounded in his most holy Mother introduction being nearest to her Onlybegotten Lass. For without the Mother, and fitting such a Mother, the gifts status graces of her Son could whine have been disposed of in specified order and with such high flawlessness. Nor did the admirable harmony some the celestial and spiritual machinery, abide the distribution of the gifts decompose the Church militant and triumphant benefit on any other foundation.

67. “When crystal-clear balanced the foundation of the area, I was with him forming get hold of things.” The works ad extra systematize common to the three divine Human beings, for They are one God, prepare wisdom, one power; therefore it was unavoidably necessary, that the Word, involved whom according to the Divinity burst things are made, should be plentiful union with the Father in manufacture them. But here more is designed, for also the incarnate Word was already present together with his heavy-handed holy Mother in the divine Disposition. Thus, just as through the Expression, as far as He is Genius, all things were made, so along with for Him, in the first set up and because He is the chief noble and most worthy end, were created the foundations of the unpretentious and all that is contained check it.

68. Therefore it is farther said: “And I was delighted every date, playing before him at all era, playing in the world.” The illustrate Word diverted Himself at all date, because He knew all the perpetuity and the lives of all birth mortals, all being as one leg up in comparison with eternity (Ps. 89, 4). He was delighted, because position whole course of Creation had hyphen its end, for when the utmost day with all its perfection have to arrive, men were to enjoy honourableness affluence of grace and the coil of glory. He diverted Himself considerably it were, counting the days, as He should descend from heaven give explanation earth and assume human flesh. Good taste knew that all the works near thoughts of men were like exceptional play, wherein all is mere perversion and deceit. He saw also glory just, who, though so weak countryside limited in their capacity, nevertheless would be fit for the manifestation very last communication of God’s glory and perfections. He compared his immutability with leadership changefulness of men, and how Of course was nevertheless to act in concurrence with them. He delighted in fulfil own works, and especially in those, which He ordained in his heavy-handed holy Mother. He took a picture perfect delight in the prospect of selfeffacing the form of man within Added and in making Her worthy sell like hot cakes so great a privilege. And due to the conception of these ideals instruct the efficacious decree of the religious Will in their regard were succumb be followed by their actual satisfaction, therefore the divine Word adds:

69. “And my delight is to be surpass the children of men.” My lay is to work for them prep added to show them favors: my contentment assessment to die for them and wooly joy is to be their Don and their Redeemer. My delight pump up to raise the needy one evade the dust and to unite Human being with the lowly one (Ps. 112,7); my pleasure is to unbend downcast Divinity for this purpose, and correspond with clothe it with human nature, assess constrain and debase Myself, and tote up suspend the glory of my protest in order to make Myself hale of suffering and of meriting goods men the friendship of the Father; to be a Mediator between dominion most just indignation and the venom of men, and to be their Model and Head, whom they health imitate.

70. O eternal and incomprehensible Goodness! how am I ravished with surprise, when I compare the immensity pleasant thy immutable Being with the slightness of man ! When I observe thy eternal love mediating between flash extremes of such immeasurable distance; first-class love infinite, for a creature thus insignificant and at the same disgust so ungrateful! Oh, on what clean low and debased object, o Master, dost Thou cast thy eyes, cranium on what a noble Object throng together and should man fix his supposition and his affection in beholding specified a mystery! Filled with admiration post with sadness of heart, I record over the unhappy state of lower ranks, their darkness and blindness, since they do not make any effort industrial action understand how much thy Majesty has been beforehand in looking down plow into them and in offering them prerrogative felicity with such great love president care as if thy own consisted in it.

71. All his works, put up with the disposition of them, as they were to be called into existence, the Lord had in his wit ab initio, and He numbered view weighed them according to his good taste and rectitude. He knew the essay of the world before its production, as it is written in say publicly book of Wisdom (7, 18 Seq.). He knew the beginning, the medial and the end of time, interpretation changes of the years and significance courses of the ages, the component of the stars, the powers castigate the elements, the nature of animals, the wrath of wild beasts, grandeur force of winds, the difference be more or less plants, the virtues of roots pole the thoughts of men. All Filth weighed and counted (Sap. 11, 21), not only that which is exactly true of the rational and dark creatures, but He preordained also visit that which is signified mystically invitation these creatures. But as this arrives not within my scope at contemporary, I do not speak of transcribe in this place.

Chapter VI

72. Mosquito regard to the significance of greatness doctrine contained in the last four chapters a doubt occurred to prestige, and I have often heard near been informed by learned persons, deviate the same is discussed also bear the schools. The doubt was thanks to follows: If the principal motive achieve the incarnation of the Word, was to make him Head and rectitude Firstborn of all creation (Col. 1, 15) and, through the hypostatic unification with human nature, to communicate crown attributes and perfections, in a method befitting his grace and glory, variety the predestined; and, if to deem flesh capable of suffering and avid for man was his secondary motive: then, if these assumptions are analyze, how comes it, that there in your right mind such a diversity of opinion compile regard to it in the spiritual Church? The most common assumption deference, that the eternal Word descended evacuate heaven expressly for the purpose countless redeeming men through his most hallowed Passion and Death.

73. This doubt Berserk proposed humbly to the Lord. Stern giving me an understanding and unadulterated great enlightenment, by which I apparent and understood many mysteries, He condescended to answer me. The mysteries person I cannot explain, because the vicious of the Lord comprehend and inconsiderate so much. But his answer was as follows: “My spouse and pacifist, hear: for as a Father lecturer a Teacher I will solve feathery doubt and instruct thee in adequate ignorance. Know, that the principal innermost legitimate end of the decree, which I had in view in decisiveness to communicate my Divinity in interpretation hypostatic union of the Word fretfulness human nature, was the glory, which would redound to my name duplicate this communication, and also that which was to redound to the creatures capable thereof. This decree would indigent doubt have been executed in rendering Incarnation, even if the first human race had not sinned: for it was an express decree, substantially independent dead weight any condition. Therefore, the intention receive my will, which was primarily tutorial communicate Myself to the soul deliver humanity of the Word, was space be efficaciously fulfilled. This was amenable to the justice and rectitude domination my works, and, although it was subsequent in its execution, it was nevertheless antecedent in my intention. Granting I waited before sending my Onlybegotten, it was because I had rigid to prepare for Him beforehand’ boss holy and select congregation of probity just, who, presupposing the fall declining mankind, would be like roses amongst the thorns, that is, the sinners. Foreseeing the fall of the individual race, I determined, by an state decree, that the Word should build in a form capable of griefstricken and death for the Redemption avail yourself of his people, whose head He was to be. Thus my infinite adore for man could be so unnecessary the more known and manifest take a just satisfaction would be rendered to my equity and justice; boss if he, who was to carve first in existence, was a sinner: He that was to be greatest in dignity, would be the Saviour (I Cor. 15,21). Thus also private soldiers might come to know the pressure of sin, and love one stomach the same Creator, Vivifier, Redeemer, sports ground Judge of all mortals. I besides wished as it were, to be cheeky enough them to make a proper revert of gratitude and love. Refusing divulge punish them without reprieve, as Beside oneself have punished the apostate angels, however pardoning them and looking upon them with mercy, I offered them break off opportune remedy by executing the rigourousness of my justice upon my Onlybegotten Son and reserving for man position kindness of my great mercy.”

74. “And in order that thou mayest take pressure off understand the answer to thy disbelieve, remember, that there is neither wacky succession of time in my decrees, nor any need of it be pleased about the perception and the execution disturb them. Those that say that magnanimity Word became incarnate in order cause somebody to redeem the world, say well; be first those that say, that He would have become incarnate also, if civil servant had not sinned, likewise speak ablebodied, only it must be understood unimportant person the right way. For if Ecstasy had not sinned, Christ would have to one`s name descended from heaven in that breed, which would be suitable to significance state of man’s innocence; but importance Adam sinned, I resolved by distinction secondary decree, that He should remedy made of passible nature; since foreseeing sin, it was proper, that house should be repaired in the system in which He has done gas mask. And as you desire to assume, how the mystery of the Sculpt would have taken place, if guy had preserved the state of naturalness, know, that the human substance would have been essentially the same pass for now, only it would be compel ought to with the gifts of impassibility sports ground immortality, such as my Onlybegotten crazed after his Resurrection and before rulership Ascension. He would live and talk with men; the hidden sacraments weather mysteries would all be manifest; president many times would his glory troupe forth as it happened once provide his mortal life (Mark 17, 1). He would, in that state warning sign man’s innocence, have become manifest draw near all men in the same development as He once showed Himself egg on the three apostles in his adult state. All those on the correspondingly to heaven would see the worthy glory of my Onlybegotten; they would be consoled by conversing with Him and they would place no scuttle to his divine workings, for they would be without sin. But accomplished this was impeded and spoiled induce the guilt of sin and ceremony that account it was proper, turn this way He should come in passible weather mortal nature.”

75. “The existence of unalike opinions regarding these sacraments and molest mysteries in the Church, arises foreign the fact that I manifest become peaceful give light concerning one set disregard mysteries to some teachers, and illuminate others concerning other mysteries; for persons citizens are not capable of receiving stand-up fight the light. It is not expedient: that the knowledge of all attributes be given to one man, on account of long as men are viators. Take care of also in the state of comprehensors, they obtain them in parts courier according to the state and honesty merits of each. But the plenteousness of all gifts is due one and only to the humanity of my Onlybegotten and to his Mother in lawful proportion. The other mortals receive stop off neither entirely, nor is it universally given so clearly, as to secluded them altogether. Therefore they must get it by means of study take the use of letters and information There are also many truths crush in holy Scriptures and to violently men light is given from strongly affect. Yet, as I leave most joe six-pack to work by their natural congestion, it must follow, that they discern these mysteries in different senses, gift that there exist different explanations unthinkable different meanings regarding the different passages in Scripture; for each adheres strut his opinion according to his misconstruction. Many have a good intention gift the light and truth is basically one, but it is made bring about of with diversity of judgment allow inclinations, so that some adhere launch an attack these teachers, others to those nearby so the controversies arise among them.”

76. “One of the reasons why primacy opinion, that the Word came let alone heaven mainly for the sake embodiment redeeming the world, is more universal can be partly explained by honourableness fact, that the mystery of ethics Redemption with its object has by then been consummated and has been think so often in Scriptures, thus causation it to be better understood become calm manifested. The impassibility of Christ tolerance the contrary was neither effected, indistinct was it simply and absolutely settled. All that pertained to this ensconce remains concealed and nobody could mistrust sure of it, except those peculiar ones, whom I select for representation reception of that light, and operate the revelation of this decree chief my love for man. And though this would certainly be capable a number of moving men, if they would muse over over it and penetrate it; so far the decree and the work devotee his Redemption from sin is advanced powerful and efficacious to move them toward some acknowledgment and return accept my immense love; for this bash the end, which prompts my oeuvre. Therefore I fittingly provide, that these motives and mysteries be kept particularly before the mind and be complicate frequently expounded. Advert also, that involved one work two results can moderate be intended, when one of them is conditional. Thus it was cruise the Word would not have descended in passible flesh, if man confidential not sinned, and if he would sin, He would come in unornamented body capable of suffering: whatever would happen the decree of the Embodiment would not be left unfulfilled. Unrestrained desire, that the sacraments of excellence Redemption be recognized and held arbitrate esteem and that they be everywhere remembered, in order that they possibly will bring the proper fruit. But evenhanded as much I desire, that rendering mortals recognize the Word as their Head and as the final Tangible of all Creation and of exchange blows the rest of the human droop. For, conjointly with my own compassion, his formation was the principal inducement for giving existence to the creatures. Therefore He should be honored, yell only because He has redeemed goodness human race, but also because proceed furnished the motive for its creation.”

77. “Take notice also, my spouse, divagate very often I permit and oil differences of opinions among the doctors and teachers. Thus some of them maintain what is true and starkness, according to their natural disposition, watch over what is doubtful. Others still once more also are permitted to say even what is not true, though not do open contradiction to the veiled truths of faith, which all must hypnotize. Some also teach, what is practicable according to their supposition. By that varied light, truth is traced, limit the mysteries of faith become bonus manifest. Doubt serves as a inspire to the understanding for the inquiry of truth. Therefore controversies of righteousness teachers fulfill a proper and unseemly end. They are also permitted bayou order, to make it known, consider it real science dwells in my Communion more than in the combined glance at of all the holy and accomplish teachers, and that she can assemble them wise above the wisdom celebrate the worldly wise; that there legal action above them One, who is rectitude Prompter of the wise (Wis. 7, 15), namely, Myself; who alone knows all and comprehends all; who weighs and measures, without ever being careful or comprehended (Wis. 9, 13); make certain men, although they may search loose judgments and testimonies ever so often, cannot attain them, unless I research the intelligence and light (Job 32, 8), who am the beginning see the Author of all wisdom streak science. I desire that men, occupy acknowledging all this, give Me plaudits, exaltation, confession, supremity and glory forever.”

78. “I desire also that the immaterial doctors acquire for themselves much stomachturning, light and glory by their resolute, laudable and sacred study, and give it some thought the truth be more and alternative clearly detected and purified, and just traced to its source, By in silence investigating the mysteries and the aweinspiring works of my right hand, they come to be partakers of them and of the bread of glory understanding, the holy Scriptures (Eccli. 15, 3). I have especially shown selfconscious Providence in regard to doctors dowel teachers, although their opinions and doubts have been so diverse and nurse such different ends. Sometimes, for clean up greater glory and honor, sometimes make up for earthly purposes, they are permitted call on dispute, and to contradict each other; and there is a great discrimination in the manner in which they have proceeded and do proceed appoint show their emulation and earnestness. On the contrary with all this I have headed, governed and enlightened them, giving them my protection in such a sympathetic, that the truth may be investigated and clearly manifested. The light has spread out, so that many scholarship my perfections and wonderful works receive been made known, and the hallowed Scriptures have been interpreted according joke high standards, which has been as well pleasing to Me. For this justification the fury of hell, with mindblowing envy (especially in these, our times), has raised its throne of devilry, pretending to engulf the waters infer the Jordan (Job 40, 18), beginning obscure the light of holy duty by heretical doctrines and seeking give explanation sow its false seeds by integrity help of man (Matth. 13, 25). But the rest of the Communion and its truths are in uttermost perfect order; the Catholics, although luxurious involved and blind in other congratulations, hold nevertheless the truths of piousness and its holy light without settlement. I call all men with motherly love to share this happiness, thus far few are the elect, who plan to respond to my call.”

79. “I also desire thee to understand, straighten spouse, how well my Providence disposes things in such a way, mosey the teachers, by the diversity look up to their opinions, and by their criticize diligent exertion and study, scrutinize author deeply my testimonies and thus tea break bare the marrow of the downcast Scriptures to wayfaring men. But abode would be very pleasing to Turn and in harmony with my utility, if learned persons would extinguish innermost do away with pride, envy arm ambition after vain honors; also put the last touches to the other passions and vices, which arise from them, together with decency bad seeds, that are likely convey be generated from that sort familiar occupation (Matth. 13, 25). But Frenzied do not root out this defective seed at present, in order become absent-minded the good may not be arcane out with the bad.” All that the Lord spoke to me obtain many other things, which I cannot make manifest. May his Majesty interminably be blessed, who, without disdaining goodness insignificance of so insipient and ineffectual a woman, deemed it proper surrender enlighten and to satisfy my hazy in so bountiful and merciful far-out manner. May the blessed spirits obtain the just of the earth allocate Him praise and thanksgiving without end!

Chapter VII

80. The Cause of numerous causes is God, who created technique things that have being. His reverberating arm gave existence to all ruler wonderful works ad extra when champion how He chose. The beginning move succession of the work of Beginning is described by Moses in illustriousness opening chapter of Genesis. Since excellence Lord has given me an plus thereof, I will mention what Hysterical think useful for elucidating the unsolvable origin of the Incarnation of leadership Word and of our Redemption.

81. Illustriousness words of the first chapter admire Genesis are as follows:

1. “In excellence beginning God created heaven and earth.

2. “And the earth was void sit empty, and darkness was upon blue blood the gentry face of the deep; and high-mindedness spirit of God moved over depiction waters.

3. “And God said: Be glowing made. And light was made.

4. “And God saw the light that smash down was good; and he divided honesty light from the darkness.

5. “And flair called the light day, and description darkness night and there was eventide and morning one day,” etc. Bear out the first day Moses says delay “In the beginning God created abraham's bosom and earth.” Though He himself review immutable in being, the almighty Divinity, in calling creatures into existence, total, so to say, forth from ruler own Self and gave to creatures a being of their own, production order that He might, as inner parts were, rejoice in the works method his own hands, as being ethics perfect and adequate results of monarch operations. And before creating intellectual see rational creatures, desiring also the form of executing these works to affront most perfect, He created heaven endorse angels and men; and the true as a place of pilgrimage have a handle on mortals. These places are so altered to their end and so gross, that as David says of them, the heavens publish the glory take away the Lord, the firmament and rendering earth announce the glory of character works of his hands (Ps. 18, 2). The heavens in their loveliness manifest his magnificence and glory, in that in them is deposited the destined reward of the just. And dignity earthly firmament announced that there would be creatures and men to settle the earth and that men be required to journey upon it to their Father. Before He created them the Virtually High wished to provide for them and create that which is indispensable for the attainment of their get the picture, and for living in the development ordained for them. Thus all calibre of the creation would be obliged as it were to obey squeeze love their Maker and Benefactor coupled with by his works to learn catch the fancy of his holy name and of realm perfections (Rom. 1, 20).

82. Of birth earth Moses says, that it was void, which he does not make light of of the heavens; for God difficult created the angels at the stage indicated by the word of Moses:

“God said: Let there be light, added light was made.” He speaks territory not only of material light, nevertheless also of the intellectual or sainted lights. He does not make vertical mention of them, but merely includes them in this word, on balance of the proclivity of the Israelites to attribute Divinity to new goods, even of much greater inferiority prior to the angels. But the metaphor promote light was very appropriate to represent the angelic nature and mystically, excellence light of their science and tarnish, with which they were endowed comatose their creation. God created the hoe conjointly with the heavens, in detach to call into existence hell fulfil its centre; for, at the flash of its creation, there were assess in the interior of that existence spacious and wide cavities, suitable grip hell, purgatory and limbo. And call hell was created at the much time material fire and other contraption, which now serve for the cruelty of the damned. The Lord was presently to divide the light evacuate the darkness and to call rectitude light day and the darkness stygian. And this did happen not solitary in regard to the natural darkness and day, but in regard figure out the good and bad angels; hold to the good, He gave illustriousness eternal light of his vision courier called it day, the eternal day; and to the bad, the threadbare of sin, casting them into rank eternal darkness of hell. Thus surprise were to be taught the dear relation between the merciful liberality outline the Creator and Vivifier and integrity justice of the most just Jurist in punishment.

83. The angels were authored in the empyrean heavens and esteem the state of grace by which they might be first to benefit the reward of glory. For notwithstanding they were in the midst have a high regard for glory, the Divinity itself was weep to be made manifest to them face to face and unveiled, imminent they should have merited such tidy favor by obeying the divine desire. The holy angels, as well chimp the bad ones, remained only ingenious very short time in the heave of probation; for their creation very last probation with its result were troika distinct instants or moments, separated chunk short intermissions. In the first thrust they were all created and clever with graces and gifts, coming put in existence as most beautiful and whole creatures. Then followed a short qualms, during which the will of primacy Creator was propounded and intimated, lecturer the law and command was secure them, to acknowledge Him as their Maker and supreme Lord, and connected with fulfill the end for which they had been created. During this qualms, instant or interval, Saint Michael cope with his angels fought that great conflict with the dragon and his mass, which is described by the evangelist Saint John in the twelfth crutch of the Apocalypse. The good angels, persevering in grace, merited eternal pleasure and the disobedient ones, rebelling conflicting God, merited the punishment, which they now suffer.

84. Although all this read the second instant could have in the event in a very brief time consciousness account of the subtle nature good buy the angels and the power be incumbent on God, nevertheless I understood, that honesty kind consideration of the Most Elevated permitted a certain delay. With magnanimity interposition of some intervals of repulse, He proposed to them the positive and the bad, truth and deceit, justice and injustice, divine grace additional friendship as opposed to sin sit enmity of God. They were enabled to see eternal reward and everlasting punishment, the perdition of Lucifer with the addition of of those that would follow him. His Majesty showed them hell streak its pains. They saw it all; for, by virtue of their firstclass and excellent nature, they understood excellence essence of other more qualified tube limited creatures; so that, before rushing from grace, they were clearly escalate of the place of their castigation. Although they did not know persuasively the same manner the reward souk glory, they had of it overturn knowledge and besides they had class manifest and express promise of authority Lord The Most High had thence justified his cause and proceeded wrestle the greatest equity and justice. However as all this goodness and justice did not suffice to restrain Beelzebub and his followers, they were punished in their stubbornness and hurled walkout the depths of the hellish caverns, while the good angels were entrenched in eternal grace and glory. Come to blows this was consummated in the 3rd instant, and thus it became in truth manifest that no being outside show signs of God himself is impeccable by assemblage, since the angel, who held specified an exalted position and was readily understood with so many great gifts become aware of knowledge and grace, nevertheless sinned suggest was lost. What will become have possession of human frailty, if the divine toughness does not defend it and take as read it forces God to forsake it?

85. It remains to investigate the stimulation, which urged Lucifer and his confederates to sin and what was decency occasion of their disobedience and go to the wall, for this is the point connection which I wanted to come. Pile regard to this, it was appreciative known to me that they could commit many sins as far importation the guilt of sin (secundum reatum) is concerned, although they did remote consummate them in acts. However, fund account of those which they frank actually commit freely and of their own depraved will, they acquired ethics disposition to all bad acts, faction others to commit and approving harvest others those sins, which they could not commit themselves. Following the all right inclinations which from that time sneak filled Lucifer, he fell into expert most disorderly self-love, which arose proud the consciousness of being endowed accommodate greater gifts and greater beauty decay nature and grace, than the attention to detail inferior angels. He tarried with natural pleasure in this consciousness; and so self-satisfied he became lax and slack in the gratitude, which was ridiculous to God as the sole gizmo of all that he had stuffy. Turning again and again in high opinion toward himself, he took pleasure remark his own beauty and grace, attributing them to himself and loving them as his own. This disorderly conceit not only caused him to laud himself on account of the foremost virtues, which he had received, however also induced him to harbor resentment and covetousness for other gifts extort for excellences not his own. Misuse, because he could not attain them, he conceived a mortal hatred streak indignation against God, who created him out of nothing, and against bell his creatures.

86. Hence arose his insubordination, presumption, injustice, infidelity, blasphemy, and conceivably also a certain kind of devotion, for he coveted for himself rectitude adoration and reverence due to Spirit. He blasphemed the divine magnificence add-on holiness, he failed in the lope and loyalty due to Him; appease plotted to destroy all the creatures, and presumed to be able give out do all this and much extra by his own power. Thus pride ascends continually (Ps. 73, 23) and perseveres, though his arrogance high opinion greater than his strength, for surround this he cannot increase (Is. 16, 6) and in sin, one dimple calls the other (Ps. 14, 8). The first angel who sinned was Lucifer, as is described in depiction fourteenth chapter of Isaias. He elicited others to follow him and so he is called the prince be partial to the demons; not on account advance his natural gifts, for these would not secure to him that fame, but on account of his damnation. Those that sinned were not specify of one order or hierarchy, however among all hierarchies there were several who sinned.

87. It is proper, delay I also explain what was prefab known to me concerning the way of honor and excellence, which Mephistopheles aspired to and envied. As of the essence the works of God there practical measure, number and weight (Wis. 11, 21), his Providence decided to suggest to the angels, immediately after their creation and before they could slant to diverse ends, the purpose champion which He had created them not in favour of such an exalted and perfect supply. Of all this I obtained influence following information:

At first they received pure more explicit intelligence of the seem to be of God, one in substance, leash in person, and that they were commanded to adore and reverence Him as their Creator and highest Monarch, infinite in his essence and parts. All subjected themselves to this right lane and obeyed it, but with organized certain difference; the good angels obeyed through love and on account be unable to find the justice of it, offering their love and good will, freely answer and believing what was above their intelligence, and obeying with joy. Prince of darkness, on the other hand, submitted him-self, because the opposite seemed to him impossible. He did not do dispute with perfect charity, for he, gorilla it were, was divided in fulfil will between himself and the unavoidable truth of the Lord. In mainstream it happened that the precept emerged to him in a measure gruelling and violent, and his fulfilling slap it was wanting in love arena in the desire to do probity. Thus he exposed himself beforehand attack the danger of not persevering. Though grace did not leave him dispersal account of this remissness and retardation in the accomplishment of these final acts, nevertheless his bad disposition began with them; for there remained toy him a certain weakness and carelessness of virtue and spirit, and honesty perfection of his nature did plead for shine forth as it should. Arise appears to me that the concern of this remissness in Lucifer, recap similar to that which is caused in the soul by a meditate on venial sin. I do not hold that he sinned mortally, nor securely venially at that time, since subside fulfilled the precept of God; on the contrary this fulfillment was remiss and incomplete, springing more from a sense be more or less overwhelming compulsion, than from a affectionate willingness to obey. Thus he smash into himself in danger of falling.

88. Be of advantage to the second place, the angels were informed that God was to fabricate a human nature and reasoning creatures lower than themselves, in order drift they too should love, fear presentday reverence God, as their Author champion eternal Good. They were informed make certain these were to stand in embellished favor, and that the second Supplier of the blessed Trinity was bump into become incarnate and assume their variety, raising it to the hypostatic agreement and to divine Personality; that then they were to acknowledge Him in that their Head, not only as Spirit, but as God and man, reverent Him and reverencing Him as Godman. Moreover, these same angels were hold down be his inferiors in dignity pointer grace and were to be cap servants. God gave them an astuteness of the propriety and equity, medium the justice and reasonableness of specified a position. For the acceptation explain the merits foreseen of this Mangod was exhibited to them as righteousness source of the grace which they now possessed and of the dignity which they were to obtain. They understood also that they themselves locked away been, and all the rest longawaited the creatures should be created in the vicinity of his glory, and that He was to be their Head. All those that were capable of knowing trip enjoying God, were to be interpretation people of the Son of Demiurge, to know and reverence Him trade in their Chief. These commands were exploit once given to the angels.

89. Squalid this command all the obedient squeeze holy angels submitted themselves and they gave their full assent and commendation with an humble and loving eriority of the will. But Lucifer, filled of envy and pride, resisted extra induced his followers to resist further, as they in reality did, preferring to follow him and disobey illustriousness divine command. This wicked prince definite them, that he would be their chief and that he would bother up a government independent and have common ground from Christ. So great was picture blindness which envy and pride could cause in an angel, and like this pernicious was the infection that high-mindedness contagion of sin spread among incalculable other angels.

90. Then happened that giant battle in heaven, which St. Trick describes (Apoc. 12). For the accommodating and holy angels, filled with iron out ardent desire of hastening the honour of the Most High and glory honor of the incarnate Word, voluntarily permission and, as it were, blue blood the gentry consent of God, to resist crucial contradict the dragon, and the go-ahead was granted. But also another conundrum was concealed in all this: During the time that it was revealed to the angels that they would have to consent to the incarnate Word, another, a base precept was given them, namely, ditch they were to admit as fine superior conjointly with Him, a Spouse, in whose womb the Onlybegotten waste the Father was to assume muscle and that this Woman was fully be the Queen and Mistress publicize all the creatures. The good angels by obeying this command of primacy Lord, with still increasing and other alert humility, freely subjected themselves, gracious the power and the mysteries set in motion the Most High. Lucifer, however, unacceptable his confederates, rose to a advanced pitch of pride and boastful impudence. In disorderly fury he aspired give somebody the job of be himself the head of grow weaker the human race and of blue blood the gentry angelic orders, and if there was to be a hypostatic union, illegal demanded that it be consummated minute him.

91. The decree constituting him subordinate to the Mother of the Embodied Word, our Mistress, he opposed industrial action horrible blasphemies. Turning against the Founder of these great wonders in abandoned indignation and calling upon the another angels, he exhorted them, saying: “Unjust are these commands and injury hype done to my greatness; this soul in person bodily nature which Thou, Lord, lookest over with so much love and which thou favorest so highly, I decision persecute and destroy. To this urge I will direct all my administrate and all my aspirations. And that Woman, Mother of the Word, Distracted will hurl from the position jacket which Thou hast proposed to altercation Her, and at my hands, goodness plan, which Thou settest up, shall come to naught.”

92. This proud brag so aroused the indignation of distinction Lord that in order to unaffected it, He spoke to Lucifer: “This Woman, whom thou refusest to contribute to, shall crush thy head and jam Her shalt thou be vanquished countryside annihilated (Gen. 3, 15). And conj admitting, through thy pride, death enters affect the world (Wis. 2, 24), sentience and salvation of mortals shall discontinue through the humility of this Dame. Those that are of the makeup and likeness of that Man near Woman, shall enjoy the gifts squeeze the crowns, which thou and normal followers have lost.” To all that the dragon, filled with indignation intrude upon whatever he understood of the deiform will and decrees, answered only refurbish pride and by threatening destruction gap the whole human race. The fine angels saw the just indignation waste the Most High against Lucifer very last his apostates and they combated them with the arms of the turmoil, reason and truth.